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National SCAR Events

National meetings about SCAR are a means to increase visibility of SCAR in Member States, to promote SCAR outcomes, to provide a forum for exchange of national relevant background, and to foster involvement of different stakeholders at the national level.

The CASA project, Task 1.4, supports national SCAR meetings by working directly with SCAR delegates interested in having a national meeting about SCAR in their country. Three countries expressed interest already before the start of CASA, and committed the necessary time for preparing a meeting in collaboration with CASA staff. These countries are Spain, Hungary and Poland. In total five or six national meetings can be supported by CASA Task 1.4. In particular those countries that are currently less engaged but where the national authorities are interested to raise their profile in SCAR and SCAR’s influence are invited to express interest. A call for expression of interest has been organised to identify one to two other Member States interested in organising a SCAR national meeting. <Call for Expression of Interest national SCAR meetings>  

The programme of each SCAR national meeting is customized to the needs, context and interests of the host country. Expected impact include an increased knowledge of the objectives, activities and outcomes of SCAR, and of the opportunities and advantages of an active involvement.


 National SCAR meetings


  •  February 28th 2018 - National SCAR meeting in Bulgaria
    Organizers: AgroBioInstitute and the Agricultural Academy at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry – CASA


For more information, please contact: Christine Bunthof, CASA WP1


other SCAR/CASA meetings here...