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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

SCAR National Meeting in Bulgaria


AgroBioInstitute Agricultural Academy Bulgaria      Logo CASA

CASA SCAR National Meeting Bulgaria

28 February, 2018 - Sofia

VENUE: Opal Hall of Ramada Hotel



To increase the visibility of and national engagement in the Standing Committee of Agricultural Research, CASA and the AgroBioInstitute and Agricultural Academy of the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry jointly organised the national SCAR meeting on 28 February, 2018. More specifically, the meeting aimed to:

  • To inform agricultural research policy makers and researchers about SCAR, its bodies and activities
  • To increase insight into opportunities and advantages of being actively involved in SCAR
  • To exchange views on the Common Agricultural Policy and bioeconomy research 

More than 100 participants of universities, ministries and other public and private organisations came together to discuss research and innovation priorities during the Bulgarian EU presidency, and to learn about SCAR activities and working groups.

The conference room was relatively well filled up with younger participants. They showed interest in participating as Bulgarian delegate in one of SCAR’s Strategic Working Groups as they realise that being involved in such European think-tank allows them to get informed about latest knowledge and (EU) news, and to influence the European bioeconomy strategy and research agendas.

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Ivan Atanassov

Prof. Ivan Atanassov [Moderator]
Bulgarian representative in SCAR

Annemarie Groot

Dr. Annemarie Groot [Moderator]
Coordination and Support Action CASA

       14:10 – 14:30

Ivan Atanassov

Prof. Ivan Atanassov [Moderator]
AgroBioInstitute, Bulgaria, Bulgarian representative in SCAR

Highlights of bioeconomy related research in Bulgaria