European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

Reports and outputs of studies funded through CASA


Work Package Implemented for Title


Plenary, SG

Representation and inclusion in SCAR – Analysis of the key factors of involvement and representativeness

Plenary, SG

Impact report on representation and inclusion in SCAR 2016-2019 (Progression on Representation and Inclusion in SCAR an impact study)


SWG Fish

Strengthening Fish Welfare Research through a Gap analysis study

SWG Fish

Disease prevention in farmed fish: new developments and research needs

SWG Forest

Synthesis on forest bioeconomy research and innovation in Europe

SWG Forest

Assessment of ERA-NETs and COST actions in the EU forest-based sector

SWG Forest

Research and innovation on digitalisation and automation in the forest-based sector; version for publication expected in May 2020

SWG Bioeconomy

Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda

SWG Bioeconomy

Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in EU Member States (Acronym: MontBioeco)

SWG Bioeconomy

BIOEAST Initiative countries’ bioeconomies assessment. Identification of key sectors, data and indicators


Inventory of research and innovation infrastructures improving knowledge flows in the field of agriculture 


Synergies among EU funds in the field of research and innovation in agriculture


Exploring digital aspects for AKIS 5th mandate 


MS AKIS implementing tools to bridge the gap between research and practice 

SWG Food Systems

Overview and synthesis of existing Food Systems studies and research projects in Europe

SWG Food Systems

Assessment of Food Systems Research and Innovation by European Member States - quantitative mapping 


Global implications of the European Food System - A food systems approach


Global implications of the European Food System - A food systems approach (Factsheet)


Updating of Strategical Research Agenda on animal health Research Needs

Foresight Group

A meta-analysis of recent foresight documentsin support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise (Part 1)

Foresight Group

A meta-analysis of recent foresight documentsin support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise (Key-messages) 

Foresight Group

A meta-analysis of recent foresight documentsin support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise (Key-messages, updated)

Foresight Group

A meta-analysis of recent foresight documentsin support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise (Part 2) 


Plenary, SG, C&SWG

List of proposals on better alignment (in SCAR to foster impact) 


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