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RefreSCAR logo


Project Coordinator

Teagasc logo

Ireland flagTeagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities in Ireland. Teagasc’s mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and wider bioeconomy so as to underpin profitability, competitiveness and sustainability. It is unique internationally in having the three pillars of research, education and advisory functions within one organisation, making it a core element of a strong and integrated AKIS in Ireland. Teagasc is a long-standing and active member of SCAR and of European R&I programming partnerships and initiatives.

Teagasc team:

Órlaith Ní Choncubhair Órlaith Ní Choncubhair

(Team leader)

Maeve Henchion Maeve Henchion
Estela Hoffmann

Estela Hoffmann

Saoirse CumminsSaoirse Cummins
INIAV logo

Portugal flag

The National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinary Research, I. P. (INIAV) is the Portuguese State Laboratory, in the area of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, which develops research activities in the agronomic and veterinary areas.
INIAV holds the National Reference Laboratories for plant diseases and pests, for animal diseases, including zoonoses, for analysis of residues of prohibited substances, veterinary drugs and environmental, chemical and microbiological contaminants and other parameters within the scope of Food Safety.

INIAV team:

José  Matos José Matos

(Team leader)

Carla BritesCarla Brites
Fernanda SimõesFernanda Simões
Paula ScottiPaula Scotti
Pedro ReisPedro Reis
Sara DuarteSara Duarte
Ana AlvesAna Alves
Foodscale Hub (FSH) logo

Serbia flag

Foodscale Hub (FSH) is an Impact Venture Studio working to accelerate the shift towards tech-enabled innovations in the agrifood sector. FSH’s mission revolves around developing scalable solutions and disruptive business models that transform the agrifood landscape for the betterment of society. Through active engagement in numerous research and innovation projects and EU initiatives – such as Erasmus, FP7, H2020 and Horizon Europe, FSH is at the forefront of shaping the future of food systems. As expert strategists, doers and coaches, they work with a diverse mix of partners, from small startups with an idea, to industry, public and research organisations on a mission to shape and implement their growth plan and cooperate to make innovation inevitable. Role on the project:
Foodscale Hub will be leading the design and implementation of the SCAR-Engage Programme aimed at empowering new members and enhancing the participation of under-represented MS/AC within SCAR WG activities. Visual support and the organization of a series of webinars and innovation hackathons will also be done from Foodscale Hubs side.

Foodscale Hub team:

Mladen Radišić Mladen Radišić

(Team leader)

Olivera StojilovićOlivera Stojilović
Marina Arnaut Stefanović Marina Arnaut Stefanović

Germany flagThe Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, BLE) is a German institution under public law, directly subordinated to the Federal Government and empowered to conduct business on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

The BLE fulfils a variety of tasks: Its mandate includes carrying out measures, which strengthen agriculture, food production, fishery and forestry as well as rural areas. In addition, the BLE acts as funding body for Research and Innovation and as programme manager for BMEL on national, European and international level in the field of agriculture and food production. Related programme is a specific programme dedicated to transnational cooperation supporting initiatives like JPIs, ERA-NETs and Partnerships.

The BLE unit “European Research Affairs” has its focus on the coordination and collaboration towards the ERA and is - besides RefreSCAR - currently partner in one more CSA, 5 ongoing H2020-ERA-NETs, 4 HE-partnerships, and 2 RIAs along the whole value-added chain. The BLE is also member of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) on behalf of BMEL.

BLE team:

Johannes BenderJohannes Bender

(Team leader)

Katerina Kotzia Katerina Kotzia
logo - ILVO

Belgium flag

ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Belgium) is an independent scientific research institute of Flanders’ Government in Belgium. It has currently more than 600 employees, of which about 1/3rd are researchers. Its mission consists of performing and coordinating policy-supporting scientific research and the associated public service in view of a sustainable agriculture, fishery and food production in an economic, ecological and social perspective. ILVO regularly enters into dialogue with policymakers, stakeholders and society. To further build on its role as a future- and demand-driven knowledge center, ILVO works with living labs – “ecosystems” where researchers, end-users, stakeholders, citizens and even cities or regions can meet up and work on co-creative research. Starting from a strong anchor in Flanders, ILVO’s work extends throughout Belgium and Europe.

ILVO team:

Nikki De ClercqNikki De Clercq

(Team leader)

Hendrik De Ruyck Hendrik De Ruyck

Netherlands flagTHE NETHERLANDS ENTERPRISE AGENCY (RVO) helps entrepreneurs and organisations to invest, develop and expand their businesses and projects. Both in the Netherlands and abroad. We are a government agency which is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. We support entrepreneurs, NGOs, knowledge institutes, policymakers and organisations. We improve collaborations and strengthen positions through our funding and networks. By sharing our know-how, we help you move forward doing business abroad.

MINEZK - RVO team:

Anne CobbenAnne Cobben

(Team leader)

Saske HovingSaske Hoving
AUP logo

Bulgaria flagWith its 77 years of history, the AGRAREN UNIVERSITET - PLOVDIV (AUP) is the leading centre for education, training, research and demonstration to agri-food stakeholders (farmers, grape and wine producers, researchers, experts, advisers, business companies, students, citizens, etc.). The AUP works on strengthening its position as an academic actor in the development of bioeconomy in Bulgaria, including the development of a bio-economy knowledge and innovation hub in the Plovdiv region. Fot this, the AUP promotes systemic and integrated approaches for acquiring research knowledge and innovation in the field of Bioeconomy and build the capacity of AUP as a national knowledge center on Bioeconomy. It is perceived as a part of the modern Quadruple Helix of research and innovation ecosystem that includes a) academic institutions (universities and/or non-university research centres or laboratories), b) business c) public bodies or/at regional/national level d) civil society organizations, branch associations, citizens, end-users, media, cultural participants, etc.

The AUP is working towards enhancing the capacity for multi-actor and multi-disciplinary collaboration in research & innovation as a key precondition for implementing regional strategies on bio-economy in Bulgaria. It is done through a number of collaborative Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects such as CAPBIO4BG, COOPID, SCOOP, BIOLOC, MainstreamBio, ARCADIA, BEAMING, RIBES, the partnership FutureFoods, EIT Food Hub Bulgaria, etc.

AUP team:

Vladislav Popov Vladislav Popov
Dafinka Grozdanova Dafinka Grozdanova

Hungary flag


AM team:


Italy flagThe Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF)  has a broad experience in a large number of European coordination actions in the Agri-food domain (CORE Organic, SUSFOOD, ICT-AGRI, SUSAN, FOSC, JPI FACCE and JPI HDHL etc.) It has worked in various areas such as strategic research programming, call management, building instruments for stakeholders and policy makers interaction

MASAF team:

Stefano GrandoStefano Grando
Dalila FrassonDalila Frasson

Denmark flagAarhus University is Denmark’s second-largest university founded in 1928, with about 8.500 employes and 38.000 students. Aarhus University covers research activities within five faculties: Arts, Business and Social Sciences, Health, Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences. At Technical Sciences, the research is within agricultural, environmental, food and engineering science with an applied approach and research-based sector consultancy. It is a nationwide university with activities in 18 locations. In addition to the main campus in Aarhus there are campuses in Herning and Emdrup and a forthcoming campus in Foulum.

AU team:

Vivi Hunnicke NielsenVivi Hunnicke Nielsen

(Team leader)

C.I.R.A.D. EPIC logo

France flagCIRAD - FRENCH AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (France) is the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. CIRAD works in some fifty countries on every continent, thanks to the expertise of its 1800 staff members, including 1140 scientists, backed by a global network of some 200 partners.

CIRAD team:

Emmanuel AlbinaEmmanuel Albina
Jean-Baptiste ChenevalJean-Baptiste Cheneval

INRAE team:

Guy RichardGuy Richard
Claire MeunierClaire Meunier
Clémentine LallierClémentine Lallier
WR logo

Netherlands flag

Wageningen University & Research is a university and research centre in the Netherlands that focuses specifically on the theme "healthy food and living environment". Wageningen Research is a research centre with 9 research institutes. The 9 Research Institutes carry out application-oriented and field-based research. They are commissioned by the government, commercial businesses and non-profit organisations.

WUR team:

 Abigail Muscat Abigail Muscat

(Team leader)

CSIC	logo

Spain flag

The National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) is a Spanish public research institute, affiliated to the Ministry of Science and Innovation and part of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - the largest public research institution in Spain and one of the most renowned institutions in the European Research Area (ERA).
In RefreSCAR, we participate in different tasks but mainly on WP4 (Task 4.1 - Assembly of experts & scope definition and Task 4.3 - Gap, overlap and trend analysis and policy impact assessment).

CSIC team:

Guy Vancanneyt Guy Vancanneyt

(Team leader)

Rocio LansacRocio Lansac
Jesus EscuderoJesus Escudero
Luke logo

Finland flagThe Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a public, non-profit research and expert organisation operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Luke conducts multidisciplinary research and provides expert services in sustainable use of renewable natural resources.

Luke team:

Johanna Logrén Johanna Logrén

(Team leader)

Johanna KohlJohanna Kohl

MARD team:


Poland flagIERiGZ-PIB – Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Zywnosciowej – Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy (Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, IAFE-NRI) - is a stand-alone research and development unit concerned with agricultural, food industry and rural development issues. IERiGZ-PIB plays a key role in the process of programming and evaluating rural policy in Poland.  Recently IERiGZ-PIB is conducting range of studies concerned with economic and social factors conditioning economic development of Polish food sector and rural areas after EU Accession.


Adam Wasilewski Adam Wasilewski
Szczepan Figiel Szczepan Figiel
NuaFund logo

Ireland flag


NuaFund team:

Elizabeth GavinElizabeth Gavin
Leo GuilfoyleLeo Guilfoyle
Dolores HannickDolores Hannick