Baltic workshop on SCAR and Bioeconomy Strategies
Baltic workshop on SCAR and Bioeconomy Strategies
4-5 April 2019
Latvia, Riga

The Latvian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Latvian Ministry of Agriculture, Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture, and Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs, supported by SCAR CASA Coordination and Support Action, organised jointly a Baltic SCAR Workshop. The overall aim of the meeting: to promote the outcomes of SCAR, increase its visibility and the engagement of national stakeholders. The meeting was held on 4-5 April 2019 in Riga.
The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is recognized by the European Commission and Member States as valuable coordination and advisory body on agricultural research and bioeconomy development. The CASA SCAR meeting gave the opportunity to bring together SCAR members and experts, representatives of the European Commission, representatives of relevant institutions, research centres, business sector and other stakeholders from all three Baltic countries to discuss about agriculture research and bioeconomy issues and to participate into and benefit from SCAR activities.
Specific objectives of the meeting:
- inform policy makers, researchers and stakeholders involved in agricultural research and innovation about SCAR, explaining opportunities and advantages of being actively involved in the SCAR bodies and initiatives;
- to initiate discussion on needs/gaps of national Bioeconomy Strategies;
- to activate support mechanisms for Baltic countries, drawn among others on good practices, expertise and guidance;
- to foster preparation / implementation of dedicated Bioeconomy Strategies in the Baltic counties, thereby increasing the number of EU Member States with a national Bioeconomy Strategy;
- to strengthen Baltic international cooperation.
Organising Committee
- Prof. Baiba Rivza, Latvian Academy of Sciences. Member of SCAR FOREST
- Dr Christine Bunthof, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands. SCAR CASA WP Representativeness
- Dr Jean-Marc Chourot, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, France. SCAR CASA WP Communication
CASA contact: Christine Bunthof, CASA WP1 Inclusiveness & task leader T1.4 CASA SCAR National Meetings (