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SCAR Bioeconomy The bioeconomy means using renewable biological resources from land and sea, like crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms to produce food, materials and energy...


SCAR Bioeconomy countries


Johanna Kohl (FI)Johanna Kohl (FI)
(contact information)



Luka Juvančič (SI)Martin Behrens
Luka Juvančič (SI)Martin Behrens


January 2023 – December 2024


25 countries, EC RTD and key advisors - WHO IS WHO



The EU defines the bioeconomy as »…encompassing all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources (animals, plants, micro-organisms, and derived biomass, including organic waste), their functions, and principles« (EC, 2018). Economically, it generates over €2.3 trillion in turnover and employs around 18 million people.

The bioeconomy is a key strategic priority due to its potential to ensure food security, manage natural resources sustainably, reduce dependence on non-renewable resources, and strengthen European competitiveness. While meeting such a diverse set of societal expectations, European Bioeconomy needs to address a number of challenges, such as:

  • Climate change and loss of biodiversity: The bioeconomy must address the urgent need to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss.

  • Major supply chain disruptions: The pandemic and geopolitical crises have highlighted vulnerabilities in supply chains, necessitating resilient and adaptable bio-based solutions.

  • Scientific progress and industrial uptake: Bridging the gap between scientific advancements and their industrial application.

  • Closing the loops of biomass use: Enhancing resource efficiency by closing the loops of biomass use and respecting biological boundaries.

  • Competing uses of renewable carbon: Balancing the diverse demands for renewable carbon resources across sectors.

  • Resource efficiency and waste management: Improving resource efficiency and reducing waste throughout the bioeconomy value chain.

  • Policy coordination and investment: Ensuring coherent policies and sufficient investment in R&D across member states.


Bioeconomy infographic


The role of Science and Research is to develop comprehensive, robust and scientifically sound solutions to respond the challenges listed above and to keep our societies functional. Given the bioeconomy's holistic perspective, there is need for a strategic exchange on RDI gaps and priorities in the sense of reconciling sometimes overlapping challenges and conflicting sectoral solutions.

At the SCAR Working Group on Bioeconomy (SCAR Bioeconomy), we see our mission in contributing to a forward-looking bioeconomy transition in tight collaboration with other SCAR Working Groups, partnerships (eg. CBE JU) and networks (eg. BIOEAST). In our activities, we are aiming to provide strategic advice and orientation on specific challenges and barriers to this transformative process that require additional RDI effort.


SCAR Bioeconomy aims to focus on current RDI gaps of systemic and cross-cutting nature within the European bioeconomy. While the first mandate (2017-2019) focused on research and fact finding, the second mandate (2019-2022) had a stronger focus on policy and strategy development support. As the challenges underlying European bioeconomy in the current, 3rd mandate (2023-2024) have further exacerbated, SCAR Bioeconomy set three focus areas that need more attention and/or require better targeting of RDI effort to make the necessary structural shifts:

  1. Circular and bio-based value chains: understanding of factors and actions that make their qualitative shift towards cross-sectoral value networks

  2. Ecosystem boundaries, security of supply and competing use of biomass: applying systems approach to align the growing demand for biomass with disrupted supply chains and ecological boundaries

  3. Unveiling the demand-side of the bioeconomy: better understanding of consumer preferences and concerns, empowering consumers for active participation in the development of biobased solutions.  

Please check the Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group Terms of Reference for a more detailed insight to the organisation of the work and planned activities in the current (3rd) mandate of SCAR Bioeconomy.

bioeconomy research

Bioeconomy research


SCAR Bioeconomy activities are organised along two main lines of action with the following scope:

  • Knowledge collection and liaison with other SCAR Working Groups, partnerships and networks: regular exchange of information both within the Bioeconomy Working Group, active exchange with other SCAR Working groups and collaborative organisation of thematic workshops, active participation in activities and events to promote the circular bioeconomy at European level.

  • Analysis of RDI gaps& needs and development of RDI recommendations: collecting evidence, preparation of collaborative workshops (with other SCAR Working Groups) and thematic studies (assisted by SCAR Technical Support) linked to specific areas of interest, distillation of outputs into recommendations concerning forthcoming RDI effort (policy briefs, position papers) targeted in cooperation.



SCAR - Bioeconomy SWG

June 2023

Joint SCAR Workshop Report
“Research needs and priorities for the transformation to sustainablefood systems at European and global level"

Online Workshop - ARCH, FOOD SYSTEMS and BIOECONOMY | January 2024

Report on 2nd Mandate Strategic Working Group on Bioeconomy

( Jan 2020 - Dec 2022 )


Joint SCAR Workshop REPORT


The workshop was designed to discuss the challenges facing the global food system and to identify priority research and innovation (R&I) issues to be addressed in the short, medium and long term.
The online workshop took place over three half days in January (23rd, 24th and 25th) 2024. It brought together 120 participants from international research organisations/academia, National public authorities, EU institutions, the private sector/industry, funding organisations and NGOs from 32 countries.

See the REPORT here.


March 2025
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11 Jun 2024;
SCAR Bioeconomy SWG Meeting
18 Oct 2024;
SCAR Bioeconomy SWG Meeting