European Union
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  • SCAR
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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

SCAR National Meeting in Greece


Logo Hellenic Agricultural


Hellenic Agricultural
Organization DEMETER
Veterinary Research Institute

 greek bio economy gsrt logo eng


24 May 2018, Athens, premises of the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and
Forest Products Technology, Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER, Greece

Enhancing the bioeconomy national strategy
National Meeting focused on agro‐food sector and environment – transfer of
European experience


CASA contacts:





9:30 - 10:45

Loukia Ekateriniadou

Dr. Loukia Ekateriniadou [Moderator]
Greek representative in SCAR Collaborative Working Group AHW

Opening and welcome

11:15 - 12:45

Michail Pavlidis

Prof. Michalis Pavlidis [Moderator]
Greek representative in SCAR Strategic Working Group Fish

Introduction to the Session

14:00 - 16:15

Christine Bunthof

Dr. Christine Bunthof [Moderator]
Leader of Work Package on Inclusiveness in SCAR CASA

16:30 - 17:50

Kalliopi Radoglou

Prof. Kaliopi Radoglou
Yannis Fallas

Dr. Yannis Fallas