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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

SCAR National Meeting in Hungary


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CASA SCAR National Meeting in Hungary

25 April 2018 - Budapest

VENUE: Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture

Hungary Group

Aiming to increase the visibility of, and national engagement in the Standing Committee of Agricultural Research (SCAR), and to promote outcomes of the SCAR, the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, with support of SCAR CASA, organised a national SCAR meeting focused on EU and national developments and priorities of agriculture research and bioeconomy. The meeting took place in Budapest on 25 April 2018.

The meeting brought together the intermediate management level and experts of different ministries, and well respected SCAR members to foster governmental cooperation between sectors of bioeconomy, and enhance engagement of Hungary in the SCAR and its activities.

The meeting had the following objectives:

  1. Present the potential of bioeconomy for ministries’ intermediate management, emphasise the importance of the role of public administration.
  2. Present the activities of the working groups related to the Commission and Member States
  3. Presentation of the need and potential of RDI strategic thinking
  4. Start a strategic dialogue on bioeconomy.

CASA contacts:

Hungarian contacts:

  • Zsófia Kunya, Ministry of Agriculture, national delegate in SCAR Steering Group and Hungarian lead contact for CASA SCAR National Meeting (
  • Ákos Kristóf, Ministry of Agriculture, national delegate in SCAR Plenary (
  • Barna Kovács, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, national delegate in SCAR Plenary and SCAR Steering Group (




Ákos Kristóf

Ákos Kristóf [Moderator]
Ministry of Agriculture, HU

        11:10 - 12:10

SCAR bodies and the role of CASA

Barna Kovács

Barna Kovács, PhD [Moderator]
Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU

Introduction to the Session by the Moderator


Good examples of bioeconomy in Hungary

Zsófia Kunya

Zsófia Kunya [Moderator]
Ministry of Agriculture, HU