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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

SCAR National Meeting in Italy


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CASA SCAR National Meeting in Italy

29 May 2018, Rome

VENUE: Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF)

sala Cavour MIPAAF


The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), supported by SCAR CASA Coordination and Support Action and with the participation/contribution of Rural National Network, organised a national meeting to promote the outcomes of SCAR, increase its visibility and the engagement of national stakeholders. The one day meeting was held on 29 May 2018 in the premise of MIPAAF in Rome. 

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is recognized by the European Commission and Member States as valuable coordination and advisory body on agricultural research and bioeconomy development. The CASA SCAR meeting gave the opportunity to bring together SCAR members and experts, representatives of the European Commission, national research bodies as well as stakeholders to discuss about agriculture research and bioeconomy issues and to participate into and benefit from SCAR activities.

Specific objectives of the meeting:

  • Inform policy makers, researchers and stakeholders involved in agricultural research and innovation about SCAR, explaining opportunities and advantages of being actively involved in the SCAR bodies and initiatives.
  • Trigger a process of coordination of actions at Italian and EU level, based on the existing national strategies and committees, with particular regard to the Italian Bioeconomy Strategy (BIC) and to the Plan for Innovation and Research in agriculture, food and forestry.
  • Exchange views and perspectives on bioeconomy research and innovation in Italy, with a specific focus on the role of agriculture, food and forestry. 

Organising Committee:

  • Silvia Baralla, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies – Research Office DISR IV, SWG Food Systems, Italy
  • Christine Bunthof, CASA Work Package 1 leader, Member of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders’ Panel, DG RTD, Manager Joint Programming, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands
  • Stefano Grando, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies – Research Office DISR IV, CASA Task 3.7 leader SWG Bioeconomy, Italy
  • Mara Lai, National Council for research in agriculture and economic analysis – Policies and bioeconomy, CREA PB; National Rural Network (RRN), Italy
  • Serenella Puliga, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies – Research Office DISR IV, CASA Task 3.7 leader, SCAR delegate, Italy
  • Anna Vagnozzi, National Council for research in agriculture and economic analysis – Policies and bioeconomy, CREA- PB; National Rural Network (RRN), Italy

CASA contacts:





9:45 - 11:45

Session 1. Presentation of SCAR and Coordinated Support Action CASA (CASA team)


Stefano Grando

Stefano Grando

Christine Bunthof

Christine Bunthof

12:00 - 13.30

Session 2. Parallel groups

14:45 - 15.30

Session 3: National strategies for research and innovation

15:30 - 17:15

Session 4: Improving coordination at national level

Anna Vagnozzi


Anna Vagnozzi - CREA PB and National Rural Network