Mission and aims
- Dr. Jan Hendrik Schneider, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany
- Dr. Susana Astiz, National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA), Spain
- Dr. Arnd Bassler, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany - arnd.bassler@ble.de
24 countries + EC and key advisors
Mission of the SCAR SAP
Provide advice on the coordination of research and innovation for the development of more sustainable animal production systems in Europe to Member States, Associated Countries and to the European Commission.
- Facilitating and stimulating collaboration and networking.
- Building an evidence-based shared perspective and common vision for the development of a more sustainable animal production in Europe.
- Supporting investment in research and innovation by translating identified challenges into operational instruments while avoiding overlaps with past and current, national and international initiatives, thus optimising resource investment.
Planned activities
- Continue the content-related work of Cofund ERA-Net SusAn.
- Hold a stakeholder scenario workshop.
- Write a policy brief - input/advice for livestock activities/research under Horizon Europe.
- Ask the SCAR Plenary Meeting for a prolongation of the mandate.