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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

SCAR Conference 2017




SCAR Conference 2017 "Research and innovation policy, state-of-play and the role of SCAR in the European Bioeconomy"

4th and 5th December 2017
VENUE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tallinn - ESTONIA


Report about organisation of the SCAR Conference 2017
- (CASA Deliverable 1.2 - July 2018)

Conference website

SCAR Conference videos:



Set within a broader research, innovation and bioeconomy policy landscape, the themes of the conference revolve around the impact of SCAR outcomes at the European and national level.

One theme is the inclusiveness and representativeness of Member States, and of bioeconomy areas, in SCAR. We wish to consolidate approaches for successful inclusiveness, shared responsibility, and ownership. The meeting programme is set to deliberate on the outcomes of an in‐depth analysis, to identify points for attention for SCAR, and to consolidate recommendations on how to foster inclusion and representativeness. One aspect is Member State participation in SCAR activities. The other aspect relates to achieving more effective coverage of the wider bioeconomy by involving different ministries and mandated organizations leading to the development of more successful national bioeconomies.

The other theme, which is related to the first, is the structure of SCAR vis‐a‐vis its suitability to deliver on SCAR’s role within the research and innovation policy landscape. Preliminary results from a review of the current organisation and structure of the SCAR will be presented and further elaborated upon through workshop activities with the ultimate aim of identifying opportunities for greater value addition in SCAR, and prioritising actions to improve the quality of results for greater impact.

The keynote presentations and group discussions aim to increase knowledge of SCAR objectives, activities and outcomes. They are designed to make the advantages and opportunities for active involvement in SCAR more visible. The meeting wishes in particular to engage those countries where the national authorities are interested in raising their respective countries’ profile in SCAR and to foster the uptake of SCAR outcomes nationally.


SCAR Conference 2017 Organising Team:

  • Külli Kaare & Helena Pärenson, Ministry of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia
  • Christine Bunthof & Dorri te Boekhorst, SCAR CASA WP1
  • Vera Steinberg, Maeve Henchion & Laura Devaney, SCAR CASA WP3
  • Rolf Stratmann & Hanna Steffens, SCAR CASA Coordinator





Toomas Kevvai

Toomas Kevvai [Chair]
Deputy Secretary General for Food Safety, Research and Development - Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs

Opening session


Toomas Kevvai

Toomas Kevvai [Chair]
Deputy Secretary General for Food Safety, Research and Development - Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs

Examples of national bioeconomy strategies, and presentation of Policy Briefs and activities from SCAR Working Groups


Maeve Henchiona

Maeve Henchiona
TEAGASC - Ireland

Group discussions on SCAR Review: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and next steps


This session will present results from a recent SWOT exercise of the SCAR structure and its activities. It will invite comments and feedback through tailored group exercises with a view to developing recommendations for improved SCAR structure and organisation in the future.


    Evening Programme




Christine Bunthof

Christine Bunthof [Chair]
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

SCAR Foresight Process


Christine Bunthof

Christine Bunthof [Chair]
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

Representation and Inclusion ‐ Setting the Scene


Christine Bunthof

Christine Bunthof [Chair]
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

Parallel group work on Representation and Inclusion, Stakeholder Involvement, and Policy Connections and Synergies


Toomas Kevvai

Toomas Kevvai [Chair]
Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs

Closing Session