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Pascal Bergeret

Co-chair: Pascal Bergeret, Regional Directorate for the Occitanie Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, France

Pascal Bergeret is Doctor in agricultural economics, Montpellier University (1986).

He worked in agricultural research and development programmes in Nepal, Cameroon, and Vietnam. He was Head, environment and sustainable development, for GRET, a French NGO involved in international development work, and was later appointed as Director, Innovation Department, in the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forest. From September 2013 to September 2021 he was Director of the CIHEAM, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier.

He is currently head of a mission on adaptation to climate change and international affairs  in the regional directorate of the French ministry of agriculture and food for the Occitanie Region,

He previously was co-chair of the SCAR AKIS SWG for its first and second mandates.

Aniko Juhasz

Co–chair: Anikó JUHÁSZ, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, HUNGARY

Anikó JUHÁSZ is the general director of AKI (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Budapest, Hungary) since 2015. 

She has a master’s degree in Horticultural Engineering (1997) and PhD in Management and Business Administration (2010). She has seventeen years of experience in food supply chains and related policy research, especially regarding the relevance of short food supply chains and quality schemes in Hungary. She was a chief planner of the Short Supply Chain Thematic Subprogram of the Hungarian Rural Development Plan (2014-2020) between 2013 and 2014. She was a member of the European Commission DG-Agri Agricultural Markets Task Force (2016) and is a member of the Advisory Group for H2020 Societal Challenge 2 “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research, and the Bioeconomy” (2016-2018). Furthermore she has been a project and programme evaluator of FP7 and H2020 calls, since 2012.

Inge Van Oost

Representative EC: Inge Van Oost , European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, BRUSSELS

Inge Van Oost is policy officer at the European Commission, Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).

She has been setting up and is now supporting the implementation of the European Innovation Partnership “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (EIP-AGRI), in particular as regards cross-cutting aspects and rural development. As member of the DG AGRI Taskforce “Research and Innovation” she was instrumental in shaping DG AGRI’s research and innovation approach and Horizon 2020 work programmes, and developed the new concepts “multi-actor approach” and “thematic networks”. In her former post at the Commission she was policy officer in the Direct Support Unit and the Cross Compliance Unit, responsible for cross-compliance, the Farm Advisory System and interlinking with the Rural Development policy.

Floor Geerling Eiff

Facilitator: Floor Geerling-Eiff , Wageningen University and Research, THE NETHERLANDS

Has an M.Sc. degree in Communication science and an M.Sc. minor certificate in public administration from the University of Amsterdam.

She has been working for Wageningen Economic Research  since 2000, starting as a trainee and following her career as a researcher, project manager and research programme manager. Wageningen Economic Research  is one of WR’s research institutes focusing on socio-economic research in the domains of bio-based economy, water, energy and climate, sustainable food and food security). Floor is specialized in communication and innovation studies and knowledge management with particular focus on multi-actor networks and triple helix partnerships in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS). She was involved in SCAR strategic working group AKIS-3. Furthermore she worked for the EU FP7 projects SOLINSA, IMPRESA and contributed to PRO-AKIS. In CASA Floor contributes to WP2.