December 2024
The SCAR Steering Group held its 100th meeting on 16th October 2024! SCAR was established half a century ago in 1974 with the aim of coordinating agricultural research among Member States. In the decades that have followed, SCAR has broadened its remit to include agriculture, fisheries, food systems, forestry and bioeconomy and built strong cooperation between the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the European Commission.
The 41st SCAR Plenary Meeting will take place under the Hungarian Presidency on Wednesday, 4th December in Budapest. The meeting will focus on European policy developments, the outlook on utilising the potential of the bioeconomy, as well as updates from the current Hungarian and forthcoming Polish Presidencies. Five SCAR Working Groups will present their new Mandates for approval and the upcoming 6th SCAR Foresight will be discussed. Dedicated break-out sessions will explore support for Horizon Europe Partnerships and facilitate strategic discussions on SCAR Working Group activities. Delegates will also consider the future direction of European agricultural research, particularly in the context of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture.
It takes place back-to-back with the Hungarian Presidency Conference (4-6 December), also in Budapest. This conference is entitled “Partnering for the future: ‘BIOEAST and Beyond’ high-level conference on Central and Eastern European research and innovation priorities in the context of sustainable soil and freshwater resilience, food systems security and bioeconomy related policies” and is organised in close cooperation with the European Commission, SCAR and the BIOEAST Initiative.
On Tuesday, 17th September, the SCAR-Engage Programme celebrated a significant milestone with its first Launch Meeting, welcoming new SCAR Working Group (WG) members from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Iceland and Poland into the Programme. A RefreSCAR initiative, the SCAR-Engage Programme is designed to support and empower new SCAR WG members while increasing country-level visibility and inclusiveness within SCAR. Each year, new WG members will receive tailored assistance, including peer guidance, networking opportunities, country-specific action plans, and financial support for attending SCAR WG meetings.
The event opened with a warm introduction by John Bell, Director of Healthy Planet at the European Commission's DG Research & Innovation. Experienced SCAR WG members, Prof. Vladislav Popov and Stefano Grando, shared their insights on the importance and value of active SCAR membership. The Programme leaders, Olivera Stojilović Trivunić and Marina Arnaut Stefanović from Foodscale Hub, Serbia, detailed the programme’s key elements, supported by RefreSCAR colleagues. The Launch Meeting was held back-to-back with the 1st Annual Training Webinar for new SCAR WG members organised by RefreSCAR on Wednesday, 18th September. More than 40 people attended this online event, most of them “newcomers” to the SCAR world, from different countries and different SCAR groups. The presentations are available on the SCAR website.
The Call for Expressions of Interest for the second year of the SCAR-Engage Programme will soon be launched. Follow the RefreSCAR webpage and social media channels to stay up to date with the latest Programme advancements.
Want to know more about SCAR - how it came about and what work its members do? The new SCAR Induction Pack is now available as a guide for new entrants to SCAR groups, as members of one of the various Strategic Working Groups (SWGs), Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs) or Task Forces (TFs) established under the SCAR umbrella. This guide may also be useful for existing SCAR Working Group members who are eager to learn more about SCAR, the European Commission and the research/policy landscape in Europe.
Prepared under RefreSCAR Task 3.2, this document was developed with an important goal in mind – to empower new SCAR WG members with knowledge to enable their active participation and smooth integration into WG activities.
The 5th Forum of SCAR Working Group Chairs will take place as a Breakfast Meeting in Budapest on the morning of the 41st SCAR Plenary Meeting. The Forum was established under the RefreSCAR project to provide a space for SCAR Working Group and Task Force Co-Chairs, European Commission Contact Points and the RefreSCAR Core Team to engage outside of SCAR Plenary/Steering Group meetings. Recent meetings of Forum members have explored collaboration, cross-cutting topics and thematic synergies among SCAR Groups, as well as with the CAP Network. The 5th Forum Meeting will have a particular focus on best practices in engaging active Working Group member participation.
Co-Chair of the SCAR Agroecology Working Group
Claire Rogel-Gaillard is a senior scientist working at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). She has been deputy scientific director for agriculture at INRAE since 2021, notably in charge of topics relating to sustainable livestock systems in a context of climate change and agroecological transition. Highly motivated by strengthening links between research and education, she has also been deputy director for research of the graduate school Biosphera at Paris-Saclay University since 2021. She leads the national programme “Agroecology and ICT” and promotes multidisciplinary projects on global one health concerns by fostering initiatives that connect scientific communities working on animals, humans, plants and the environment. She chaired the Veterinary Immunology Committee of the International Union of Immunological Societies (2019-2023). In 2024, she participated in the preparation of the terms of reference for the next round of the SCAR Agroecology Working Group and is excited now to serve as co-chair.
Co-Chair of the SCAR Agroecology Working Group
Ulrich Schmutz is a professor at Coventry University in England, United Kingdom. He is a co-founder of the university’s research centres on agroecology (Centre for Agroecology and Food Security (CAFS) and Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) based at Ryton Organic Gardens, a 10 ha certified organic horticultural farm, which Coventry University bought in 2019. Ulrich is an agricultural and horticultural scientist and economist and has 35 years’ experience in organic horticulture, agroecology, agroforestry and food system transition research. He has been coordinating Horizon projects on organic farming and agroforestry and was a WP leader of AE4EU, which together with ALL-Ready prepared the €300M Agroecology Partnership and worked with the SCAR Agroecology Working Group in the first round. He is excited to co-chair the next round of SCAR-AE to mainstream agroecology further.
Co-Chair of the SCAR Agroecology Working Group
Marisa Tello has a PhD in Agricultural Engineering and has been working on scientific research for more than 30 years. She worked as principal researcher and Research Director at Madrid Institute of Agricultural Research. For the last 13 years, she has been working at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA-CSIC, Spain) as Head of the Coordination in Agricultural and Forestry R&D Areas. Among her functions are the coordination and monitoring of research activities, scientific project evaluation and scientific-technical advice to Spanish policy-makers. In this regard, Marisa co-coordinates the scientific evaluation of supra-national innovation projects and operational groups of the EIP-AGRI. In addition, she is WP leader and National Coordinator within EJP SOIL and coordinates Spanish participation in the international Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, where she acts as Co-chair of the Science to Policy working group. Finally, she has been involved in the coordination of other EU initiatives such as PRIMA, ERA-NETs, EUPHRESCO and FACCE-JPI.
Co-Chair of the SCAR FISH Working Group
Andrea Marsella is a fish health veterinarian working at the Italian National Reference Laboratory for Fish Diseases hosted by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie. As a researcher in the Fish virology department, he is involved in several research as well as international capacity building projects focused on the diagnosis and vaccination of fish viral diseases. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EU Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare and recently joined SCAR Fish as Co-chair.
Co-Chair of the SCAR Protein Task Force
Adeline Boire holds a MSc degree in Agricultural Science with a major in Food Science and Technology and a PhD in Physical Chemistry of proteins. Since 2015, Adeline has been a Research Scientist at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), coordinating and contributing to various large-scale national and European research projects. Her work bridges fundamental research and practical applications on food proteins, aiming to advance sustainable food systems. She explores resilient protein sources, including crop proteins, tropical pulses, and agro-industrial by-products, contributing to the diversification and sustainability of food systems. Beyond her research, Adeline is committed to outreach, engaging diverse audiences — from school students to the general public — to raise awareness about healthy and sustainable diets.
The SCAR Working Groups form an inspiring network of motivated peers. They offer unique platforms to develop R&I agendas, co-construct European R&I partnerships, and exchange experiences and best practices. There are currently nine SCAR Working Groups.
Seven Strategic Working Groups (SWGs) exist: Agroecology (AE), Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), European Agricultural Research towards greater impact on global Challenges (ARCH), Bioeconomy (BSW), Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (FISH), Food Systems (FS), Forest and Forestry Research and Innovation (FOREST) and two Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs): Animal Health and Welfare (AHW), Sustainable Animal Production (SAP). In addition, there are two Task Forces: Foresight and Protein.
Draft Terms of Reference for a new phase of the Agroecology SWG were discussed and agreed in an online meeting of SCAR Member Countries on the 20th September.
Three new Co-Chairs for the group have been appointed: Dr. Claire Rogel-Gaillard (France), Prof. Ulrich Schmutz (United Kingdom) and Dr. Marisa Tello (Spain).
A Terms of Reference for the SWG is being developed and will be presented at the upcoming SCAR Plenary Meeting on the 4th December in Budapest. Themes, activities, methods and tools are being elaborated which will provide the basis for the Strategic Working Group’s activities in its new Mandate, supporting and complementing the work of the European Partnership on Agroecology.
The mission of the SCAR AKIS SWG is to build an EU-wide knowledge and innovation network focusing specifically on working with and for farmers, foresters and rural communities. The 6th SCAR AKIS meeting under the current mandate was held in Bucharest, Romania from 18-19th June, and included a field visit to a Romanian EIP-AGRI Operational Group at the SCDP BANEASA experimental base.
The group also met in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 8-9th October, which included a visit to the Headquarters of the Slovenian Public Agricultural Advisory Service. Discussions focussed on implementation of the CAP AKIS Plan, and the role of AKIS in rural innovation and co-innovation. Their next meeting will be online and is planned for 15-16th January 2025.
The Collaborative Working Group has launched an interesting report! It summarises the results of a survey on research targeted on HPAI in ruminants in European countries. The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus presents a significant threat to the health and welfare of animals. It has already had devastating impacts for domestic and wild birds and spill-over to dairy cattle has recently been reported in the USA, although until now with little zoonotic transmission. You can find the newly published report here.
The two AHW CWG sub-groups (Strategy & Foresight Unit and Animal Welfare Sub-group) have upcoming meetings on 9th December in Rome, Italy, followed by the CWG Plenary meeting on 10th December. All meetings are hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health.
SCAR ARCH are currently undertaking a Portfolio Analysis of EU-funded projects under the title ‘Achievements of EU research, innovation and development projects to address the global challenge of agriculture transformation’.
Following the successful Joint Workshop with SCAR Food Systems and Bioeconomy SWGs in January and joint summary report, a joint policy brief is currently being drafted entitled ‘Research and innovation priorities for more sustainable food systems in Europe and globally”. SCAR ARCH are seeking SCAR Plenary approval of a new Mandate to start in January 2025.
The Bioeconomy is critical to material and energy stability in the EU. Unveiling the demand side has been identified as one of the three focus areas of the 2023/24 mandate of the SCAR Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group. The group recently published their position paper on ‘RDI priorities to accelerate demand for biobased solutions in the EU’. The RDI goals identified can only be achieved through interdisciplinary collaboration and foresight.
Currently, the SWG will seek approval for a renewed Mandate at the upcoming SCAR Plenary Meeting.
SCAR Fish held their 47th meeting in Brussels on 5th June and discussed opportunities for involvement in the 6th SCAR Foresight, opportunities to network with other SCAR Groups, and to finalise their report on ‘Fisheries dependent data as a tool for real-time advice’ alongside other activities. More recently, they had their 48th meeting online on 11th October, focusing on topics including freshwater, collaboration with other SCAR Groups and offshore energy impacts on the marine environment & food production. Andrea Marsella has joined as the new Co-Chair alongside Ciaran Kelly.
Members of the Working Group gathered in Brussels on 12th September to advance activities under its 3rd Mandate. Hosted by CSIC, they heard updates from DG RTD and DG AGRI in the European Commission on policy and R&I developments. They discussed their collaborations with relevant initiatives, such as the SCAR Foresight Group, the SCAR Bioeconomy Working Group, FOODPathS and FutureFoodS, and advanced activities under their three Priority Actions; Accelerating and Monitoring Food Systems Transition, FS Resilience, and International dimension of Food Systems. The group also presented at the launch of the FutureFoodS Partnership in June 2024.
Preparatory steps towards the 6th SCAR Foresight are almost complete, steered by the SCAR Foresight Group/ Task Force and the European Commission. Two brainstorming workshops were held in February and May this year, bringing together Chairs and members of SCAR Groups, as well as SCAR delegates, experts from the European Commission and stakeholders. A Terms of Reference for the Foresight has been endorsed by the SCAR Plenary by written procedure and work is scheduled to commence the 6th SCAR Foresight, that will be strongly supported by the SCAR Foresight Group/ Task Force and the other SCAR Working Groups.
Among its main activities, SCAR Forest is working intensively to support the preparation of a proposal for a ‘European Partnership on Forests and Forestry for a Sustainable Future’. The members met most recently online on 24th September with guest speaker Francesca Giannetti, coordinator of the Forest4EU project, presenting the topic ‘Connecting forestry and agroforestry partnerships across Europe’. The group’s next meeting is on 10th December. The ‘SCAR Insights’ webinar planned for 16th December will showcase the work of SCAR Forest (see below for details).
The Protein Task Force have renewed their membership and organisation. They are programming next year planning and the scoping and roadmap are being updated consequently. The group is working on a concept note and resuming the related projects portfolio analysis with the RefreSCAR support by first half of 2025.
The group also welcomed a new Co-Chair to oversee activities alongside Pablo Gómez Grande (INIA-CSIC, Spain). Dr. Adeline Boire is a Research Scientist at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment). Her work bridges fundamental research and practical applications on food proteins, aiming to advance sustainable food systems.
The Collaborative Working Group held an online meeting on 2nd July and 17th October, followed by an in-person workshop hosted by INIAV at their headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal from 5-6th November. Over 50 participants from 16 countries attended the workshop. The topic of the workshop was ‘From national strategies towards a common vision of livestock farming in Europe’, with guest speakers representing Portugal, Finland, Denmark and Ireland outlining their visions for livestock farming. Read more about the workshop themes and next steps here.
On 19th June 2024, more than 100 research and innovation experts convened in Dijon to help support the transition to sustainable food systems by sharing insights, initiatives and joining forces within the EU co-funded FutureFoodS Partnership. FutureFoodS brings together 86 partners from 29 countries and has a total indicative budget of €525 million over the next ten years. The aim? To accelerate the development of sustainable food systems by mobilising European research and innovation toward that goal.
The first transnational co-funded call of FutureFoodS, entitled "Transforming Food Systems - reshaping food system interactions, fostering food innovations and empowering sustainable food choices", opened on 6th November, with pre-proposal submissions invited by 15th January 2025 (see “Funding Opportunities” below).
The Agroecology Partnership has just launched its 2nd co-funded call entitled “Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology: value-chain and policy implications". See “Funding Opportunities” below for further details. Under the 1st co-funded call which closed on 19th September, 19 projects have been selected mobilising €37 million.
Applications will open on 9th December to join the European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures. The Network’s Application and Criteria Guideline is now available online, which explains the application process, eligibility, and the criteria to comply with in order to become a member in the Network. Applications will stay open until 28th February 2025, with new members being integrated into the Network through an online on-boarding meeting organised between April and May 2025.
The ambition of EUP AH&W is to build a strong Research and Innovation framework strengthening Europe’s capacity to act on a preventive approach and raise healthy animals in sustainable systems, that support high levels of animal welfare. The 1st External Call of the Partnership closed for pre-proposals on 8th July and is currently inviting full proposals by 4th February 2025.
The Partnership also held their first Scientific workshop from 5-6th June in Thessaloniki, Greece. The group came together to exchange ideas and insights on EUP AH&W's scientific research activities and overarching strategy, with a strong focus on animal infectious diseases and animal welfare research.
The project SOA15 in EUP AH&W is inviting external experts to join their network of expertise in biosecurity research via an online workshop on 5th December.
Following the closure of the call for a co-funded “European Partnership of Agriculture of Data” (HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-02-01) on 25th June, a proposal has been selected and the consortium is currently involved in the Grant Agreement preparation process together with REA and the European Commission. The successful partnership should aim to enhance climate, environmental and socio-economic sustainability, and productivity of agriculture and to strengthen policy monitoring and evaluation capacities through exploiting the potential of Earth and environmental observation and other data, in combination with innovative data technologies.
The proposed European Partnership on “Forests and Forestry for a Sustainable Future” received strong support from the Member States and is included in the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan for 2025-2027. A strategic R&I agenda for forestry and the forest-based sector (SRIA) is being developed by the EUFORE project, which held its 2nd European-level stakeholder workshop on 27th November in Brussels. This workshop provided an opportunity for participants to help to shape the SRIA and future forest R&I in Europe. The SCAR Forest SWG is providing a critical co-creation platform for the development of the Partnership proposal.
Great news from FutureFoodS Partnership! They have now launched their first transnational co-funded call, entitled: "Transforming Food Systems - reshaping food system interactions, fostering food innovations and empowering sustainable food choices". This call brings together 36 funding organisations from 19 countries and the European Commission, jointly committing up to €40 million to support innovative research and development projects focused on creating a sustainable food future.
The Agroecology Partnership has just launched its 2nd co-funded call on “Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology: value-chain and policy implications”. 29 funders from 20 different countries have provided funds for the call, which has a deadline for pre-proposal submissions of 17 February 2025 and full proposals of 9 July 2025.
Find out about the call topics and get access to the submission platform here .
The second edition of the European Mission Soil Week took place in Brussels on 12-13th November, welcoming 500 participants online and in-person. This is an annual event designed as a major European gathering that brings together the European soil community, promotes the Mission Soil and showcases its funded projects. The event was followed by exclusive clusters meetings on 14th November 2024, dedicated to Mission Soil funded projects.
The 2024 call for proposals under Mission Soil closed on 8th October with 137 proposals received. To learn more about Mission Soil and the network of 100 living labs and lighthouses it is putting in place, read the recently published factsheet.
Are you a SCAR Plenary delegate keen to increase your country’s representation in SCAR Groups and accelerate your country’s research and innovation agenda? If your answer is yes, the SCAR-Engage Programme will be of interest to you!
The SCAR-Engage Programme is a RefreSCAR initiative designed to support new members of SCAR Working Groups (WGs) and to increase country-level visibility. It aims to empower new SCAR WG members, especially those from countries that are under-represented or less visible in SCAR, with knowledge, supports and connections to enable their active participation and smooth integration into WG activities. Already in the first year of the Programme, new SCAR WG members from Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Poland and Romania have been brought on-board.
Are you an expert keen to express your interest in joining a SCAR WG but not sure how to contact your national SCAR Plenary delegate? You can register your interest as an expert for consideration by your SCAR Plenary delegate via the Expert Interest Form by Monday 10th February 2025.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest for the Programme from SCAR Plenary delegates via an online application form is Friday 28th February 2025, 17:00 CET.
The webinar ‘SCAR Forest Coordinating Forest Innovation’ will take place on Monday, 16th December 15:00 CET. This webinar is the first in the new ‘SC AR Insights’ webinar series of the EU-funded project RefreSCAR project which aims to bring a new audience of stakeholders into contact with the SCAR WGs. The webinar will explore the roots of SCAR Forest and look forward to the future European Partnership on Forests and Forestry for a Sustainable Future, which will be a significant mobiliser and funder of forest research across Europe. Watch the recordings from previous ‘Spotlight on….’ webinars on the RefreSCAR YouTube channel.
RefreSCAR Project Manager
Bríd McClearn is a Research Officer in Teagasc with responsibility for the management of the RefreSCAR project. Bríd holds a degree in Agricultural Science from University College Dublin and a PhD from Queen’s University Belfast on the effect of sward type and cow genotype on the productivity and profitability of spring milk production systems. She has previously worked on three Horizon 2020 projects; EuroSheep (thematic network on sheep health and nutrition), Sm@rt (thematic network on technologies for small ruminants) and TechCare (Investigating PLF technologies to monitor and improve small ruminant welfare).
RefreSCAR and actors of the Portuguese EU CAP Network (National Rural Network) organised a joint event and got together at the Cork and Cork Oak Competence Center (Município Coruche) with policymakers, researchers, and farmers to discuss the opportunities and challenges of agroforestry in Europe. Thanks to EURAF, participants learned that the host country, Portugal, has the highest surface area of trees on agricultural land in the EU. Inspirational projects were presented by GEOSUBER, FOREST4EU Project and AF4EU. And the Agroforestry Netwerk Nederland showed the trailer of the movie “Trees in my field”. This was followed by a panel discussion between a farmer, a researcher, and a policy expert. The day was finalised with a field visit to the silvopastoral agroforestry Montado system at the Quinta Grande.
On September 26th - 27th, representatives from the 18 partner organisations and 14 European countries that form the RefreSCAR Consortium gathered for their 3rd Governing Board Meeting. The meeting was held in Lisbon and hosted by INIAV with the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture.
Aiming to evaluate the overall results of its first year of work, the RefreSCAR team worked hard to find new and creative ways to boost the strategic functioning and capacities of the SCAR WGs in order to facilitate the improved coordination of national and European R&I programmes.
4 December 2024 | SCAR Plenary | Meeting (Budapest) |
4 December 2024 | 5th Forum of SCAR WG Chairs | Meeting (Budapest, online) |
5 December 2024 | HU Presidency | Conference (Budapest) |
6 December 2024 | HU Presidency | Field Visits (Budapest) |
9-10 December 2024 | SCAR AHW CWG | Meeting (Rome) |
10 December 2024 | SCAR Forest SWG | Meeting (online) |
10-12 December 2024 | EU Agri-Food Days | Brussels (online) |
16 December 2024 | SCAR Forest SWG Insights Webinar | (online) |
15-16 January 2025 | SCAR AKIS SWG | Meeting (online) |
The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this newsletter.