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First annual Training Webinar for new SCAR Group members

First annual Training Webinar  - ParticipantsThe 1st annual Training webinar for new SCAR Working Group members has been held on 18 September 2024.

The webinar, organised back-to-back with the start of the SCAR-Engage programme organised the day before, was followed by more than 40 people, most of them “newcomers” to the SCAR world, from different countries and different SCAR groups. 

The meeting offered insights into SCAR’s objectives and initiatives, including a presentation of the newly developed 'Induction Package', a user-friendly guide to familiarize with the SCAR environment. The webinar also provided an opportunity for new Groups’ members to connect with fellow newcomers and experienced members.

A range of contributions by RefreSCAR representatives, the SCAR Secretariat, an experienced national delegate and two Groups’ chairs (from Strategic WG "Forest" and Collaborative WG "Sustainable Animal Production") gave the participants the possibility to familiarise with SCAR history, structure, aims and activities, and to discuss what type of contribution each Group’s member is encouraged to give.

A participatory session was also organised to harvest participants’ opinions and expectations, followed by a “live” evaluation survey of the event, which witnessed a general appreciation, while highlighting suggestions for having, next year, an even more effective webinar.

So... looking forward for the next webinar! 



Stefano Grando, (Italy)
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF)

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"SCAR ENGAGE Programme"

Daniela Lueth, (European Commission)
DG RTD.B2 Bioeconomy and Food Systems,
representing RTD SCAR Secretariat

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"RefreSCAR Support & Contacts"

Órlaith Ní Choncubhair, (Ireland)
Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority

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"SCAR-Engage Programme Introduction"

Olivera Trivunic and Marina Stefanovic, (Serbia)
(FSH - Foodscale Hub)

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"SCAR ENGAGE Programme"

Serenella Puliga, (Italy)
SCAR delegate, Research Office DISR4 – MASAF

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"SCAR SWG Forest"

Mika Kallio, (Finland)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

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"SCAR Collaborative Working Group - Sustainable Animal Production"

Arnd Bassler, (Germany)
Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

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