European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


A new Task Force to identify protein transition challenges

The Protein Task Force is a new Working Group created under the SCAR umbrella. It aims to identify the major hurdles and opportunities to the protein transition and sovereignty in Europe from the R&I perspective. The working group formally began operating in September 2022 and currently brings together 30 members from 10 countries. The Task...

Four European Partnerships Are Ramping Up news item

Horizon Europe Partnerships drive green and digital transitions and are impact-driven by deploying a broad range of R&I activities.

They significantly contribute to building a stronger European Research Area (ERA), avoiding duplication of efforts, catalysing investments, and enhancing synergies between research and innovation programmes at EU...

AE news item

The SCAR Agroecology Strategic Working Group (SCAR AE SWG) finalised the draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the future European Partnership on Agroecology in February 2023 . It is the result of a co-creation process which started at the end of 2021 and was supported by the European Commission, Joint Programming...

SCAR AKIS SWG – A new generation at the helm

The SCAR Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems SWG (SCAR AKIS SWG) has renewed their mandate for a sixth time. Co-chairs Anikó Juhasz and Pascal Bergeret have passed on the torch to Ewa Grodzka and Jan van Esch, who will lead the Working Group for the next two years.

So far, the Working Group has had two meetings under its new mandate...

SCAR BSW SWG – A new mandate with a new focus

The SCAR Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group started its third mandate in January 2023. In the next two years, the group will focus on identifying R&I needs in three areas:

  1. Circular and bio-based value chains
  2. Ecosystem boundaries, security of supply and competing biomass uses
  3. Unveiling the demand side

The first order of business is a...

SCAR ARCH SWG - Working together for food security in Europe

SCAR ARCH SWG adopted its new mandate for 2023 and 2024 at the start of the year. It will focus on food security in Europe, which is facing important challenges due to the COVID pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. By strengthening linkages between European and international agricultural research, SCAR-ARCH aims to raise the scope of...

FISH news item

The SCAR FISH SWG is holding a Workshop on enabling mechanisms for science-industry partnerships.  The workshop aims to improve the flow of data on fisheries in order to carry out assessments of fishery resources. The organisation is a joint effort by the Working Group as well as external partners ICES (International Council for the...

AHW news item

SCAR Animal Health and Welfare CWG has published a report that analyses the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and FOOD2030 strategy, focussing on the aspects of livestock health and welfare. The SCAR AHW CWG applauds the strategies as key instruments to overcome the challenges Europe is facing to nourish a growing population and to steer it through climate...

SCAR SAP CWG – Further contributing to livestock farming in Europe

The SCAR Sustainable Animal Production CWG started its new mandate on 1 January 2023. The mandate will last for two years and will focus on the common picture of future livestock farming in Europe.

To further contribute to this topic, the Working Group is currently in the process of organising its second workshop, which will be hosted by the...