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SCAR AE SWG – The Agroecology Partnership SRIA draft is ready

AE news itemThe SCAR Agroecology Strategic Working Group (SCAR AE SWG) finalised the draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the future European Partnership on Agroecology in February 2023 . It is the result of a co-creation process which started at the end of 2021 and was supported by the European Commission, Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), and the Coordination and support actions (CSAs) All-Ready , AE4EU, and SMS . Many stakeholders - farmers, researchers, students, authorities, NGOs, and the private sector - were also involved in the process, including through a public consultation.

The SRIA aims to provide ways to team-up and unlock the transition to AE, so that farming systems are resilient, productive and prosperous, place-sensitive, as well as climate-, environment-ecosystem-, biodiversity- and people-friendly by 2050.

Its objectives are:

  • To mainstream the principles of agroecology to redesign farming systems across Europe
  • To empower all actors engaging in the AE transition by building collaborations and sharing knowledge and solutions
  • To support the implementation of key EU strategies and policies.

The Working Group also plans to host a series of supporting events to involve stakeholders. This will raise awareness, and assist in managing and exchanging the knowledge created in the agroecology framework.

The SRIA will  be operational upon its adoption by the Governing Board of the future Agroecology Partnership, once it is formally established. Meanwhile, the SRIA draft will be discussed during  the SCAR AE SWG plenary meeting on 22 June 2023. Members will have a chance to ask questions and propose changes if needed.

You can read the SRIA draft here.