European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

Collaborative Working Groups (CWG)

SCAR Collaborative Working Groups have been an important SCAR instrument since 2005. These are fora where members wish to discuss matters of common interest in a specific research area, with a view to a possible multilateral collaboration between funders of research. This allows the building of trust, common ways of working, and the development of common research agendas. In the past, many of these CWGs have evolved into ERA-Nets.

Again, membership is voluntary but always requires one or more countries to volunteer to coordinate the group. Usually Commission Staff are actively involved. The groups work with specific terms of reference on a well-defined subject for a limited period, usually between one and three years, but can also provide a longer-term platform if necessary. The CWG’s terms of reference need to be approved by the Plenary meeting but they have a high level of autonomy in their operation.