European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
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  • Foresight

8th meeting of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (SCAR SWG AKIS 4)

AKIS Athens

The Agricultural University of Athens (Laboratory of Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Systems & Rural Sociology) in collaboration with the National Rural Network of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 hosted the 8th meeting of the Strategic Working Group on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR SWG AKIS4) from Feb 28th to March 1st. 

After a warm welcome of Prof Epam. Paplomatas, Vice-Rector, and Prof. Ch. Kassimis, General Secretary of Agricultural Policy & Management of Community Funds of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development & Food, the meeting was devoted to reflections related to the design of the Member States' AKIS plans. 

In this context, learning and innovation cases were discussed based on presentations of the LEADER Community Initiative (and its successors), the INNO4GRASS H2020 Thematic Network and the AGRILINK H2020 Multi Actor Project. 

Second part of the meeting focused on the presentations of 22 national/regional AKIS, during which all attendees could discuss how to further develop and strengthen each of the AKIS. 

More info on the event :