European Union
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Safe, nutritious and healthy food for all citizens

The SCAR Food Systems SWG is guiding the preparation of the SRIA for the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Partnership. An interactive co-creation process will develop this document, involving the SCAR FS SWG members and external experts.

A first workshop took place in Brussels on 23 May. The taskforce leaders and additional experts discussed food system approaches with two goals in mind. Firstly, to unravel the complexity of food systems. Secondly, to strive for sustainable outcomes.

The next step is working on the four thematic areas and transversal activity, in order to ensure the coherence between them. A wider consultation will be carried out to collect feedback from the Member States and various stakeholders in the second half of...

Using Nature Based Solutions to halt aquatic biodiversity loss

SCAR FISH SWG published a document titled “Recommendations for applying Nature-Based Solutions as an approach for sustainable use of aquatic resources while achieving the policy goals of the biodiversity strategy”. The document explores the potential of using the Nature-Based Solution (NBS) concept to address societal challenges other than climate...

European Partnerships under Horizon Europe

European Partnerships under Horizon Europe are initiatives the bringing together EU and a wide range of public and/or private partners. Partners jointly support developing and implementing a common agenda for research and innovation activities. The partnership will coordinate, align, and leverage European and national R&I efforts.


logo UE France 2022

At the SCAR Steering Group Meeting on 11 March 2022, the French Presidency gave an overview of their priorities at the. The French Presidency called attention to the current difficult times due to the war in Ukraine and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Presidency highlighted that European food sovereignty, including protein autonomy, is...