European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

FS – The Food Systems Working Group would like your expertise!

FS – The Food Systems Working Group would like your expertise!

The SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working Group (SCAR FS SWG) has developed a second draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the future partnership Sustainable Partnership for People, Planet and Climate. The new draft takes into account input from the FS SWG members and relevant stakeholders.  

Next, the Working Group (WG) is consulting Member States and stakeholders on the new consolidated version of the SRIA. The WG would like to encourage the Member States and stakeholders to get support from their national SCAR mirror groups, if they have those in place.  

Member States, interested stakeholders, networks and potential funders of the partnership have been invited to provide feedback on the SRIA content through an online survey launched in October 2022. This more comprehensive public consultation aims at collecting input to further develop and strengthen the final SFS Partnership SRIA.  

The online survey is open until 19 December 2022 and can be completed here.

The current version of the SRIA can be consulted on the SCAR website. A final version will be ready in January 2023.