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Agroecology Partnership’s SRIA

The Agroecology Partnership’s SRIA

The overall purpose of this Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is to define the general framework for strategic research and innovation activities to be undertaken under the future partnership “Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures’’ (“the Agroecology Partnership”). The partnership aims to promote a European large-scale endeavour for an agricultural sector that is fit to meet the targets and challenges in relation to climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty and the environment, while ensuring a profitable and attractive activity for farmers.

It has been developed upon the mandate of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) through its Strategic Working Group on Agroecology (SCAR-AE)  which delivered at first a “partnership dossier” . This consolidated SRIA is the outcome of two years of work involving over 300 professionals from different domains, and building on the efforts of the 160 participants in the seven tasks forces defined by SCAR-AE in 2021, the comments provided by different observers of the SCAR-AE, European initiatives, the European Commission, and other experts through dedicated meetings or consultations.

A consolidated draft was submitted for public consultation from July to October 2022, and the comments received were incorporated into this version of the SRIA.

See the document here