European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


The SCAR Foresight Process is starting up

Logo SCARThe SCAR Foresight Group hosts the workshop “Shaping the Future – steps to a New SCAR Foresight” on Wednesday 7 June, the afternoon before the SCAR Plenary.

Every three to five years, the SCAR Foresight Group starts a new Foresight Process. The Process consists of two parts: the dissemination of the results of the recent study on the one hand, and setting up a new study on the other hand. Both parts run in parallel. A new Foresight Process is currently being started and the support of the SCAR Working Groups is required and appreciated.

The workshop aims to inform the SCAR Working Groups about the next SCAR Foresight exercise. It will ensure that all SCAR WGs and their sectors will be adequately represented in the new Foresight process. In addition, the workshop should contribute to capacity building for foresight, and offer a first opportunity to exchange ideas on possible SCAR Foresight topics in the “light of crises”.    

The outcomes of the workshop will be reported back to SCAR Plenary by the SCAR Foresight Group.