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FISH – Raising awareness on the technological advances of fisheries monitoring

FISH – Raising awareness on the technological advances of fisheries monitoring

The SCAR Fisheries and Aquaculture Strategic Working Group (SCAR FISH SWG) published a report “Innovation In fisheries monitoring science – fisheries dependent data as a tool for real-time advice”. The report raises awareness on the need to integrate and operationalize technological developments in fisheries monitoring.

A vital requirement to improve data collection during fishing operations and to allow the full use of such data as tools in support of fisheries management and advice. It also provides recommendations to optimize the use of these technological advances to comply with extra data needs. The ultimate goal is to guide the R&I agenda towards the need of new studies on improving Fisheries Spatial Management. 

A subgroup of the SCAR FISH SWG was tasked to identify gaps in the field, drafting the report afterwards. They agreed that technological advances currently do not play a big enough role in support of fisheries advice. Therefore, the group looked at better using existing technologies and developing new technologies for data collection and data use. Partners ICES, EFARO and the Thünen Institute for Baltic Fisheries provided their views on (1) the acquisition, standardisation, and processing of fisheries-dependent monitoring data, (2) innovation in marine data collection and (3) research on alternative fisheries management approaches. 

Read the report “Innovation In fisheries monitoring science – fisheries dependent data as a tool for real-time advice” – update December 2022