European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


ARCH – Combatting imported deforestation


Earlier this year, SCAR ARCH SWG and SCAR FOREST SWG published a joint policy brief: “Combatting imported deforestation – challenges for science”. The document is the result of a fruitful collaboration between both the SCAR ARCH SWG and the SCAR FOREST SWG.

The goal of the document is to better address deforestation and forest degradation. Both are triggered throughout the world by European imports of commodities (raw materials, food, timbers, etc.).

The process of drafting the policy brief included two steps:

  • Organising an expert dialogue to discuss and identify the main knowledge and research gaps?, as well
  • Defining, supporting, and implementing appropriate measures to limit the European footprint on rainforests, in accordance with the new Green Deal policy of the European Union.

Recommendations are interesting for research funding agencies and researchers, as well as policy makers on both EU and MS level. The policy brief will be presented in full on the SCAR plenary meeting in December, and can already be read on the SCAR website.