European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

Floor Geerling Eiff

Floor Geerling-Eiff


Has an M.Sc. degree in Communication science and an M.Sc. minor certificate in public administration from the University of Amsterdam.

She has been working for Wageningen Economic Research  since 2000, starting as a trainee and following her career as a researcher, project manager and research programme manager. Wageningen Economic Research  is one of WR’s research institutes focusing on socio-economic research in the domains of bio-based economy, water, energy and climate, sustainable food and food security).

Floor is specialized in communication and innovation studies and knowledge management with particular focus on multi-actor networks and triple helix partnerships in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS).

She was involved in SCAR strategic working group AKIS-3. Furthermore she worked for the EU FP7 projects SOLINSA, IMPRESA and contributed to PRO-AKIS. In CASA Floor contributes to WP2.