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SCAR Forest and Forestry Research and Innovation (SCAR Forest)

Events Calendar

Workshop on "Transnational cooperation in research and innovation for the future European forest-based sector"
Tuesday 05 February 2019, 8:30AM - 4:30PM

The SCAR FOREST organizes a workshop on "Transnational cooperation in research and innovation for the future European forest-based sector", on 5th February 2019 in Brussels at the University foundation ( - Rue d'Egmont 11, 1000 Bruxelles). The workshop will be based on the outcomes and impacts of the SCAR FOREST Strategic Working Group (SWG) during the present mandate and on the experience of partners (BIOEAST initiative, Forest-based sector technology platform, EFI, Innovawood, BBI JU, CEPI, CEPF, EUSTAFOR, IUFRO, FAO, COST Office, FACCE, forest related ERA-NETs, SCAR SWGs Bioeconomy and ARCH); it will aim at discussing the future strategy and cooperation of SCAR FOREST in order to increase the support to European and MS strategies regarding the forest-based sector, such as within international organisations, regional initiatives such as BIOEAST, MS and Stakeholders. The European Commission is also invited to the workshop. The success and conclusions of this workshop will strongly influence the next SCAR FOREST Mandate post-June 2019.


Location Brussels