European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


Workshop on International Cooperation in Research and Innovation for the future European forest-based sector

Group photo - Forest WS - 5th February 2019


On 5th February 2019, 32 experts of the forest-based sector from all over Europe met in Brussels to participate in a workshop on international cooperation in research and innovation for the future European forest-based sector. The workshop was organized by the SCAR SWG Forest and supported by CASA.

The overall aim of the workshop was to create an opportunity for open discussions on the topic of international cooperation on forest research and innovation and its possibilities to help the forest-based sector responding to increasing environmental challenges and societal demands. After eight presentations from experts of various organizations and backgrounds (such as umbrella organizations in the forest-based sector, research institutes and networking organizations, see agenda) the participants had the opportunity to shortly present the situation and needs in their respective country. Then, three themes related to the forest-based sector were discussed in a World Café:

  • 1. How to rebound on the basis of recent and present activities?
  • 2. What emerging issues should be considered and how?
  • 3. How to broaden the scope of international cooperation?

The agenda can be found here: Workshop agenda of 5th February

A report of the workshop with the key findings and recommendations will be created soon and will be made available on the SCAR Forest website.