European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


One of SCAR’s main activities is horizon scanning through foresight studies. A working group of SCAR, the ‘Foresight Group’, proposes such activity to the plenary and, after approval, governs the execution of relevant studies. The Commission has made available resources through the Framework Programmes to help contract experts, to carry out the foresight activity (which may include review of other ongoing studies, scenario building, research prioritisation, etc.), to organize meetings (workshops, seminars, conferences) and to publicize outcomes.


Final Berlin Declaration - December 2020



Berlin Declaration - December 2020

Joint declaration of the SCAR members on the 5th Foresight Exercise on
“Natural resources and food systems: Transitions towards a ‘safe and just’ operating space”

NEWS RELEASE EU expert group urges food agriculture reforms JAN 18 2021



Embargoed to 18 January 2021

EU foresight expert group urges reform of food systems to drive COVID-19 recovery

The pandemic highlights the global problem of food insecurity. A new report prepared by an expert group for the European Commission details how research and innovation can tackle the problem – and ‘build back better’

ONLINE ANNEXES 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise - September 2020   

“Facts & Figures” reports of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise
Natural resources and food systems: Transitions towards a ‘safe and just’ operating space

Factsheet 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise   


15th December 2020

FINAL REPORT 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise     


REPORT of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise Expert Group Natural resources and food systems:
Transitions towards a ‘safe and just’ operating space

15th December 2020

CASA Study Meta Analysis Foresight   

A meta-analysis of recent foresight documents in support of the 5th SCAR Foresight Exercise







Elke Saggau (DE)

Members of the group

4 countries (DE, IT, DK, FR)




Members of the task force:

7 countries (DE, IT, DK, FR, IE, BE, HU)

Mandate of the task force:

temporary during a foresight study


Overview members SCAR Foresight – update March 2022



agroecology 1SCAR Foresight process: 5 studies in series

  • Disseminating and implementing the SCAR Foresight results
    • Focus on multiple levels
    • Spread awareness
    • Presentation of results and recommendations
    • Write reflection paper and/or “declaration”
  • Preparing the next SCAR Foresight study
    • Brainstorm on a topic, with input from WGs and SCAR members
    • Create guidelines
    • Prepare Terms of Reference (ToR)
    • Adoption of the ToRby the SCAR Plenary


Foresight importance

  • Adapts continuously to new challenges, takes up cross-cutting issues, feeds the strategic planning process of research policy making, provides “food for thought” and gives advice to political decision makers.
  • Highlight sweak signals as well as future opportunities to provide input for a more integrated research system for primary production and the broader agriculture, forestry, and bioeconomy in Europe.
  • Has resulted in a high number of joint activities between Member States, such as the implementation of SCAR working groups, ERA-Nets and Joint Programming Initiatives with a widescope.
  • The Foresight process is a pillar of SCAR.


Planned activities

  • Disseminate the 5th SCAR Foresight results and recommendations.
  • Brainstorm towards 6th SCAR Foresight with input from WGs,