European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

Mission and aims




Elke Saggau (DE)

Members of the group

4 countries (DE, IT, DK, FR)




Members of the task force:

7 countries (DE, IT, DK, FR, IE, BE, HU)

Mandate of the task force:

temporary during a foresight study


Overview members SCAR Foresight – update March 2022



agroecology 1SCAR Foresight process: 5 studies in series

  • Disseminating and implementing the SCAR Foresight results
    • Focus on multiple levels
    • Spread awareness
    • Presentation of results and recommendations
    • Write reflection paper and/or “declaration”
  • Preparing the next SCAR Foresight study
    • Brainstorm on a topic, with input from WGs and SCAR members
    • Create guidelines
    • Prepare Terms of Reference (ToR)
    • Adoption of the ToRby the SCAR Plenary


Foresight importance

  • Adapts continuously to new challenges, takes up cross-cutting issues, feeds the strategic planning process of research policy making, provides “food for thought” and gives advice to political decision makers.
  • Highlight sweak signals as well as future opportunities to provide input for a more integrated research system for primary production and the broader agriculture, forestry, and bioeconomy in Europe.
  • Has resulted in a high number of joint activities between Member States, such as the implementation of SCAR working groups, ERA-Nets and Joint Programming Initiatives with a widescope.
  • The Foresight process is a pillar of SCAR.


Planned activities

  • Disseminate the 5th SCAR Foresight results and recommendations.
  • Brainstorm towards 6th SCAR Foresight with input from WGs,