European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight



WP1 includes a set of complementary activities to increase the active participation of currently less involved Member States in SCAR activities and outputs as well as maintaining interest of those MS already involved, leading to SCAR being a more representative European Committee bringing together delegates and experts of Member States, Associated Countries and EC with regard to the full scope of the wider Bioeconomy.

It will analyze past and current engagement of Member States, ministries and organizations. Based on the outcomes it will provide insight, inspiration, and (support) tools to foster and increase the engagement and active participation of the less involved ones.

The Training and Mentoring Program will facilitate and support new appointed SCAR delegates, members and experts, in particular from Member States lagging behind currently with regard to active participation in SCAR activities and who are motivated to become more involved.

Through this fast knowledge-transfer to new or not so active members, these will become faster familiarized with SCAR, its different bodies and activities, becoming an effective and efficient contributor and linking-pin between SCAR- and national level.

Furthermore, WP1 will facilitate support at Member States and Working Group level. The goal of these support activities is to make the objectives, activities and outcomes of SCAR and the opportunities and advantages of getting more involved better known and visible at national level through e.g. national SCAR conferences. WP1 is linked to WP4 (Communication and Dissemination).

The support activities at Working Group level aim at encouraging and broadening the representation and participation of Member States, Ministries and other (project management) organizations in all SCAR bodies and activities. Especially in the latter activities WP1 is linked to WP2 (Added Value and Improved Quality for Greater Impact) and WP3 (Strengthening Strategic Advice).

Task 1.1.

Analyses of key factors of involvement and representativeness

Expected outcomes: insight into the current state of participation; greater awareness of determining factors; good practices identified, practical approaches for increased representativeness of Member States and bio-economy areas.

The engagement of and into SCAR since its renewed mandate will be analyzed in terms of:

  • participation of Member States in SCAR Groups and workshops,
  • involvement of different ministries and Bioeconomy-area representation by experts from delegated organizations, and
  • alignment and uptake of SCAR outcomes by Member States. 

Task 1.2.

SCAR Conference 2017

Expected outcomes: SCAR-wide exchange of good practices, consolidation of approaches to step up representativeness, recommendations for Member States, SCAR and the EC.

Task 1.3.

Mentoring programme

Expected outcomes: increased capacity and empowerment of individuals and their organisations appointed to participate in SCAR bodies and activities. Stepping-up and speeding up the acquisition of knowledge and experience of mentees in representing their country in SCAR activity as well as being the ambassador and communicator of SCAR within its country. An active engagement of individuals well-experienced in SCAR work in training the new ones.

Task 1.4.

Meetings to enhance visibility and use of SCAR outcomes in Member States and to step up the engagement of Member States in SCAR

Expected outcomes: increased knowledge of the objectives, activities and outcomes of SCAR and the opportunities and advantages of getting more involved aiming at national level in those countries that are currently less engaged but where the national authorities are interested to raise their profile in SCAR and SCAR’s influence in the country.

Task 1.5.

Impact study of progression of representation and inclusion in SCAR

Expected outcomes: insight into the progression of representation and inclusion and the roles and contribution of national delegates, SCAR SG, SCAR WGs and the CASA project.


One of the driving forces for establishing a CSA which will support SCAR is facilitation and coordination of the working groups. WP2 will be the major thrust of the CSA project providing added value to SCAR bodies thus helping deliver results of improved quality leading to greater impact of SCAR activities.

Current as well as newly formed working groups will be facilitated to ensure there is added value and improved quality of outputs from activities relevant to their thematic areas and strategies, resulting in more outputs which relate to SCAR objectives.

Support will include facilitation of organization of working groups and their meetings as well as organizing external expert studies in support of the working groups’ activities. Support will be provided to the implementation of the Foresight and its recommendations including monitoring of the implementation.

Further goals are the facilitation of linkages and interactions of different international and European stakeholders, e.g. FAO, OECD, different DGs of the European Commission for identifying and utilizing synergies as well as more focused and targeted SCAR outputs

Some SWGs have received small amounts of support funded by national ministries, but these have been relatively short-lived with difficulties of continuity. Conclusions from various meetings clearly point to the need for support to the working groups in order that they can continue to provide SCAR with quality advice. Experience indicates that some of the most important aspects of support to the working groups are brokerage and facilitation.

Task 2.1.

Analysis of experience and need of support to the working groups

Expected outcomes: An overview of the needs for support of the working groups and an agreed annual work plan for each of the three years for support through the CSA.

Task 2.2.

Facilitate individual working groups

Expected outcomes: Improved efficiency of use of resources in the working groups as well as improving the quality and relevance of outputs of the SWGs and CWGs and thereby SCAR, by corresponding more to the needs of EC (different DGs) and other relevant stakeholders. Close collaboration with WP 4 will also ensure improved communication of information about SCAR activities and outputs.

Task 2.3.

Organising expert external studies in support of SWGs and CWGs

Expected outcomes: Improved understanding of specific issues which will be fed into SCAR to provide added value.

Task 2.4.

Support to coordination and linkages between SWGs & CWGs and with DGs

Expected outcomes: Strengthened linkages between the various SCAR groups and also with the different services of the EU Commission.

Task 2.5.

Support to the Implementation of the 4th Foresight and its recommendations

Expected outcomes: An update on the status of implementation of the current Foresight work and a monitoring process designed to support improved implementation of Foresight.


WP3 is dedicated to build up a basis in the evolving landscape of the broader Bioeconomy research and other relevant adjoining sectors and research policy areas in order to enable SCAR to provide more and relevant high-quality strategic policy advice in the coming years. This is done via an extensive assessment of the state-of-play with an included SWOT analysis, by exploring opportunities for alignment of various research policies and program at EU and Member States level and support to the development of new or adapted strategies covering the whole Bioeconomy.

In close cooperation with WP2 SCAR will be supported in developing general procedures and tools for initiating new activities or groups. Taskforces or ad-hoc groups will be facilitated. In close collaboration with the SCAR Foresight Group and WP2 a structure for future SCAR Foresight processes as well as a process for the implementation of SCAR Foresight results to increase their use will be established. An Impact Assessment Framework will be developed and implemented. Options on a continuation of the CSA work after the end of CASA will be explored and various scenarios on sustainability and follow up activities will be presented to SCAR at due time.

The follow-up of key activities like e.g. the use and implementation of Foresight Studies implies a close collaboration with WP2 and the relevant group(s).

Task 3.1.

Assess the state of play of research and innovation policy in the broader Bioeconomy area: Preparatory work

Expected Outcomes: Concept for SWOT analysis and Impact Assessment

Task 3.2.

Assess the state of play of research and innovation policy in the broader Bioeconomy area: Assessment and SWOT analysis

Expected outcomes: SWOT of the SCAR: The results, A detailed overview on the state of play and analysis within SCAR (D3.2) and 'Bioeconomy Research & Landscape in Europe: A Review (D3.3). A set of recommendations as a basis for SCAR to build its strategy on how to further and even better contribute to improve the system approach in this area.

Task 3.3.

SWOT Session within SCAR Conference 2017

Expected outcomes: Dissemination of SWOT results.

Task 3.4.

Support SCAR on better alignment of research and innovation policies

Expected outcome: Proposals on achieving better alignment within SCAR, strengthening collaboration on European and international level.

Task 3.5.

Support SCAR in developing general procedures and tools for initiating new activities (SWGs/CWGs/Ad-hoc working groups or Task Forces on emerging issues; other implementation actions)

Expected outcome: Guideline on standardization procedures of initiating new activities

Task 3.6.

Creating a structure for future SCAR Foresight processes

Expected outcome: Guidelines on a structure for the future SCAR Foresight exercises and a process for the implementation of Foresight results

Task 3.7.

Develop an Impact Assessment Framework

Expected outome: Impact Assessment Framework document (D3.8) and Implementation Plan (D3.9).

Task 3.8.

Develop scenarios on sustainability and follow up activities

Expected outcome: Different scenarios on possible sustainable continuation of collaboration.


WP4 includes a set of communication activities in order to focus published information of SCAR and the different Strategic and Collaborative Working Groups, Taskforces and ad-hoc groups via different dissemination channels to various target groups.

After an initial analysis of the needs and obstacles for communication SCAR activities on national level, recommendations will be formulated. A logo and uniformed style for all CASA communication and dissemination activities will be developed. Furthermore a style guide and format-templates for different settings (Meetings, Conferences, Reports, Brochures, Fact-Sheets, etc.) will professionalize the communication material. In collaboration with and support to SCAR WG, SWGs and CWGs, Taskforces and ad-hoc groups various dissemination products will be made available during the term of the project.

If there is a need according to the results of the survey a bi-annual public electronic Newsletter, with selected outcomes of SCAR activities, will be published. All materials will be made available through the CASA website, which will be developed in the first two months of the CSA and in the case of SWGs and CWGs publications also at the respective websites of these.

The CSA website will have a public and restricted intranet domain, whereas the latter will be used for coordinating and managing the CSA itself. Conferences between the different SWGs and CWGs and on specific themes will be organized at European level. For greater impact on national level seminars in MS will be organized. WP4 will support WP1 and WP3.

Task 4.1.

Support development and implementation of a SCAR communication strategy

The expected outcomes consist in the identification of needs and obstacles in order to elaborate an improved communication strategy for SCAR

Task 4.2.

Communication with all dissemination products

The expected outcomes are the increase of the SCAR image at European level and disseminating the SCAR outputs at European/global level

Task 4.3.

Final conference of CASA

Task 4.4.

MS-driven dissemination

The expected outcomes are a better involvement of interested national stakeholders in SCAR activities and to better disseminate SCAR outputs at national level in order to reach a wide range of actors in the MS

4.4.1 In collaboration with WP1, all SCAR members will be supported in disseminating the transnational activities of SCAR at national level. Recommendations will be given to national SCAR members in order to disseminate SCAR activities at national level.
The contacts of researchers, farmers and other parties which could benefit from SCAR activities will be listed.
One basic leaflet providing information on SCAR and on the SCAR bodies will be elaborated.
Leaflets to increase the visibility of SCAR activities
CASA will appreciate it to be invited by BIOHORIZON to make NCPs aware of SCAR activities.
SCAR thematic conferences will be organised, involving all stakeholders in order to spread the outputs of SCAR activities.
A template flyer and a meeting format will be used in every Member State.
The leaflets and flyers will be elaborated at the beginning of the project so that they can be available for all conferences and workshops (M1/3).

4.4.2 The need for translation of SCAR reports and studies into the national language will be analysed, whether it is necessary or not for reaching a wide range of national stakeholders.
DG Translation could provide support for translating CASA documents and leaflets into national languages.

4.4.3 The potential use of national mirror-groups will be analysed and support given to those where there is an interest in setting one up in different MSs. Mirror-groups would gather interested stakeholders (universities and schools included) and aim at demonstrating and informing about activities of the SCAR SWGs and CWGs. The minutes of those national meetings will be sent to the task leader and collated to document lessons learnt. NCPs could be a dissemination channel.
Universities, national laboratories and other research institutes will be involved in gathering stakeholders and promoting multilateral discussion groups and information sessions.

4.4.4 Seminars will be organized on specific themes related to SCAR activities in the national language or in an area speaking the same language (such as the French speaking area, the German speaking area ...).

National Presentations:  

   French   |   German  |  Portuguese  |

D.4.1: Report of survey and recommendations
D.4.2: Report Nr.1 of best practices from EIP AGRI
D 4.5: Report of Style Guide
D.4.6: Report Nr.1 of published Newsletters
D.4.7: Report Nr.2 of published Newsletters
D.4.10: Report of published leaflets on SCAR activities
D.4.11: Report of Web site activities
D.4.12: Report of the final conference
D.4.13: Report of published leaflets on SCAR and SCAR bodies
D.4.14: Report of template and common format for common SCAR meetings in the MS and flyer
D.4.15: Report Nr.1 of translation of SCAR reports and studies
D.4.16: Report Nr.2 of translation of SCAR reports and studies
D.4.17: Report Nr.1 from national mirror-groups
D.4.18: Report Nr.2 from national mirror-groups
D.4.19: Report Nr.5 of published Newsletters


WP5 constitutes the steering and management of the CSA. It will cover all activities concerning the internal workflow (financing, reporting, information-exchange, meetings). Within the first 3 months the constituent advanced kick-off meeting will be organized by the Coordinator to define procedural modalities, which comprise detailed regulations for e.g. information-flows, decision making, meeting timetable of the Management Group and the Supervisory Board. Objectives of these meetings will be the discussion of CSA results, approval of activities and decisions on further steps.

The advanced kick-off meeting will be a 2-3 day event, during which the planned activities will be presented to and discussed with the Supervisory Board. Possible modifications will be made and the Supervisory Board and the Management Group will agree on an implementation plan for the first CSA-year including meeting schedule for the Supervisory Board and the Management Group.

The Supervisory Board and the Management Group will further meet at the end of year 1 and 2 for refinements to the work plan as necessary. The advanced kick-off meeting will be implemented with the support of WP2 Added Value and Improved Quality, WP3 Strengthening Strategic Advice and WP4 Communication and Dissemination. The final CASA conference will be implemented together with WP4.
WPs and Tasks are linked and feed into each other. For example results of the SWOT-analysis in WP3 feed into WP1 (e.g. identification of aspects to hook new SCAR members), WP2 (e.g. how to help and support, what is needed) and WP4 (e.g. improvement of communication and dissemination activities).

Task 5.1.

General administrative management and start of the project

Expected outcomes: Procedures and Management tools for smooth and in time operation of CASA

Task 5.2.

Meetings of the General Assembly

Expected outcomes: Proper steering of CASA, taking into account different opinions of the Participants in the CASA consortium

Task 5.3.

Meetings of the Management Group

Expected outcomes: Proper steering of CASA, taking into account different opinions of the Work Package Leaders, coming to sound conclusions

Task 5.4.

Meetings of Supervisory Board

Expected outcomes: Proper steering of CASA, taking into account different opinions, coming to sound conclusions with a focus on Advice by SCAR

D5.1: Report of kick-off meeting
D5.2: Project Monitoring Framework Overview
D5.3: Collected Report of General Assembly Meetings and Outcomes
D5.4: Report of Final Conference
D5.5: Collected Report of Management Group Meetings and Outcomes
D5.6: Collected Report of Supervisory Board Meetings and Outcomes