European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

webinar food safety

We are delighted to extend an invitation to join us for the webinar "Emerging Food Safety Issues and Food Security: Versatile Approaches", the second in the webinar series of the EU-funded project RefreSCAR, which will tackle different emerging food safety issues caused by climate instability and food production practices as well as innovative approaches aimed at enhancing food safety. 

The webinar feature four panel experts in the field:

 Victor Alchanatis, D.Sc., Research Scientist at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Volcani Centre

 Maria-Eleni Dimitrakopolou, PhD, Research Project Manager at Agroknow

 Dr. Bert Popping, Chief Executive Officer at FOCOS and founding partner at FOOD-ORBIT

 Avi Sadka...

RefreSCAR 1st webinar

The webinar "Food Production Externalities Beyond Europe: A Global Perspective", was the first in the webinar series of the EU-funded RefreSCAR project and addressed different perspectives on the externalities of food production.

Date: Tuesday, 12th December
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET

The webinar featured three panels of experts in the...

AGROECOLOGY pre announcement

The partnership AGROECOLOGY - European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures anticipates to team-up and unlock the transition to agroecology so that farming systems are resilient, productive and prosperous, place-sensitive, as well as climate, environment, ecosystem...


The SCAR Foresight Group hosts the workshop “Shaping the Future – steps to a New SCAR Foresight” on Wednesday 7 June, the afternoon before the SCAR Plenary.

Every three to five years, the SCAR Foresight Group starts a new Foresight Process. The Process consists of two parts: the dissemination of the results of the recent study on the one hand...

A new Task Force to identify protein transition challenges

The Protein Task Force is a new Working Group created under the SCAR umbrella. It aims to identify the major hurdles and opportunities to the protein transition and sovereignty in Europe from the R&I perspective. The working group formally began operating in September 2022 and currently brings together 30 members from 10 countries. The Task...

Four European Partnerships Are Ramping Up news item

Horizon Europe Partnerships drive green and digital transitions and are impact-driven by deploying a broad range of R&I activities.

They significantly contribute to building a stronger European Research Area (ERA), avoiding duplication of efforts, catalysing investments, and enhancing synergies between research and innovation programmes at EU...

AE news item

The SCAR Agroecology Strategic Working Group (SCAR AE SWG) finalised the draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the future European Partnership on Agroecology in February 2023 . It is the result of a co-creation process which started at the end of 2021 and was supported by the European Commission, Joint Programming...