SCAR National Meeting in Poland

National meeting in Poland disseminating knowledge about the European Commission’s Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)
Organizer: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research
Venue: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Warsaw, Wspólna 30 Street, room no 49/51
14 November 2018, Warsaw

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) was established in 1974. Since its relaunch in 2005, SCAR at European Commission has grown to become a respected source of advice on European agricultural and wider bioeconomy research, along with being a major catalyst for the coordination of national research programmes. SCAR is recognized by the European Commission and Member States as valuable coordination and advisory body on agricultural research and bioeconomy development. It plays an important role in coupling research and innovation and in removing barriers to innovation, and aims to make it easier for public-public and public-private sectors to work together in delivering innovation that tackles the challenges faced in the bioeconomy area.
Aiming to promote outcomes of SCAR, increase the visibility, national engagement and provide a forum for exchange of national relevant background, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the support of SCAR1, organise a National SCAR Meeting focused on EU and national developments in the area of agriculture research and bioeconomy.
The meeting will bring together the representatives and experts of different ministries, researchers, national research bodies, SCAR members and experts, representatives of the European Commission to discuss about agriculture research and bioeconomy developments and to participate into and benefit from SCAR activities.
The meeting has the following objectives:
- To inform policy makers, researchers and experts involved in agricultural research and innovation about SCAR, its bodies and activities related to the European Commission and Member States;
- To promote the outcomes of SCAR, increase its visibility and increase insight into opportunities and advantages of being actively involved in SCAR bodies and initiatives;
- To present the potential of bioeconomy, exchange views on the Common Agricultural Policy and bioeconomy research.
The working languages are English and Polish and interpretation will be provided
10:00 - 11:20

Justyna Cieślikowska
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, PL

Christine Bunthof, PhD
CASA project, Wageningen University and Research, NL
11:45 – 13:00

Christine Bunthof, PhD
CASA project, Wageningen University and Research, NL
SCAR Working Groups
Good examples in Poland in the area of bioeconomy research
14:15 – 15:45

Justyna Cieślikowska
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, PL