European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight




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MAIN CONCLUSIONS (Brussels, 15 March 2017)

1) Information on the "Food from the Ocean" project
The on-going work aims at providing by the end of 2017 a scientific opinion to Commissioner Vella on the question: How to sustainably extract more food from the ocean?

2) Updates on SCAR-Fish Work Plan for 2017

Climate Change:

Objectives: To identify research needs related to developing management options for climate impacted fisheries and aquaculture sectors
It was agreed to adjust the format of the planned SCAR-Fish work from a targeted workshop to a study on the same topic. CASA will help organising this workshop.

Valorisation of underutilised material:

Objectives: To provide priorities on the use of underutilised material should be for human consumption. When this is not possible, research should investigate how to increase the value of underutilised material. The topic is planned as a study.

Data management:

Objectives: To develop and encourage more efficient resources for the collection (surveys, staff, boats and funding) and to harmonise the Data Collection Framework and Marine Strategy Framework Directive obligations.
SCAR-Fish will wait for updated information and inputs from DG MARE before moving onward on this.

Fresh water management:

Objectives: To provide a summary of the freshwater activities in Europe; to collect freshwater aquaculture sector research needs; to propose recommendations to harmonise the legal backgrounds.
The next attaché meeting of the Friends of Freshwater Fishes (FFF) will be held in April in the Permanent Representation of Hungary in Brussels.

3) Response to the questionnaire about the recent Staff Working Document entitled "Research and Innovation for Food and Nutrition Security".