European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


BSW – New co-chairs at the helm

Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group (BSW)The SCAR Bioeconomy SWG has elected three new co-chairs. Johanna Kohl (Finland), Luka Juvančič (Slovenia) and Martin Behrens (Germany) will lead the working group in its future endeavors.

Johanna Kohl (FI), email:

Adjunct Professor, Dr. Johanna Kohl works as Director in Circular Bioeconomy Research Programme in Natural Resources Institute Finland. She leads the research project portfolio and future developments of optimized material cycles, added value and new products from main and side streams and transition towards circular bioeconomy. She is strongly connected with Circular Bioeconomy, national Circular Economy strategy implementation and influencing via research the future research need development in Horizon Europe National Expert Group on Cluster 6 (incl Circular Economy). She was also working in the SCAR foresight expert panel for the EU Commission on Resilience and transformation. Kohl has over 25 years of experience on foresight and participatory RDI collaboration.


Luka Juvančič (SI), email:
Luka Juvančič, agricultural and resource economist, and Associate Professor of Economics of Natural Resources at the Biotechnical Faculty. His research experience spans widely in terms of time (more than 25 years of experience as researcher, principal investigator, or project leader), substance (agricultural and rural development policies, risk management, ecosystem services, bioeconomy) and methods (econometric modelling, system modelling, environmental accounting, economic experiments). As for his work related to bioeconomy it is worth highlighting his leadership of two nationally relevant projects, his recent research on bioeconomy-related assets and transition pathways in BIOEAST region, publishing (editor, author), teaching (course leader, supervisor) and professional work (BIOEAST, TWG Education and Knowledge Transfer).


Martin Behrens (DE), email:
Martin Behrens holds a MA in political science and a MSc in Environmental Studies.  He is working as Senior Advisor and Deputy Head of the department of EU and International Affairs at the Agency for Renewable Resources.  He is involved in EU-Project development and implementation, specialised in multi-stakeholder activities focusing on bio-based products. He is also in charge of EU networking activities at FNR. Martin participates in various EU Advisory Boards in EU projects and is also member of the SCAR Forest working group.