European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight


The future of livestock production in Europe


Based on the results of ERA-NET SusAn, the CWG SAP will develop future scenarios for animal production systems in typical European regions. An expert workshop will kick off the work in autumn 2022, aiming to prepare a policy brief to support SCAR, in its advisory function for Member States, Associated Countries, and the European Commission.

Livestock farming is faced with a dilemma. On one hand, it stands for food and traditions, but on the other hand, there is concern about its side effects for instance regarding animal welfare and GHG emissions. The pressure on animal production to meet society’s expectations has significantly increased in recent years. It is clear that European agriculture is entering a new age.

In 2014, the CWG SAP was established in response to this dilemma. The Group involves 30 countries, of which 24 EU Member States. Founded on the concept of sustainability, the group set the path for a new paradigm of European animal production. Among others, the CWG SAP initiated the ERA-NET SusAn, which produced a Strategic Research Agenda and resulted in 31 European research projects, funded with € 39 million. The projects covered environmental, economic, and societal aspects.