Christine Bunthof |
Works at Corporate Strategy & Accounts, leading the joint programming account. She has twelve years of experience in European projects, which started when designated as project manager at the Netherlands Research Council NWO for the ERA-NET on Plant Genomics. She studied Molecular Sciences, holds a PhD in food microbiology and was a post-doc fellow at Plant Research International in Wageningen. During the NWO employment she has undertaken training in leadership, management and advisory skills at De Baak, a leading training institute for professionals. She contributed to the international policy of NWO and was FP7 liaison officer and subsidy advisor at Wageningen UR. In the course of her career, Christine has focused on leverage and inspiration through networks that collaborate across silos and borders. Dr Bunthof coordinates the Platform of bioeconomy ERA-Net Actions (FP7 PLATFORM and H2020 PLATFORM), was WP leader in FACCE-CSA, and is WP leader in the current CSA for FACCE, and in FACCE ERA-GAS. She served as advisory board member to SUSFOOD and JPIs TO CO-WORK. In 2013 Dr Bunthof was selected as European Bioeconomy Panel member.