The SCAR was established half a century ago, in 1974, through a Regulation of the Council of the European Communities (Regulation (EEC) No 1728/74 of the Council of 27 June 1974)...
WHO IS SCAR?More than 35 countries, they are EU MS (represented by delegates of ministries, organisations (research councils, research institutes and universities), with Candidate and Associated Countries (AC) as observers...
EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA for: Agriculture, Animal prodution, Fisheries, Food, Forestry & Bioeconomy...
List of all SCAR and Working Groups eventsYou can search easily and effectively by: text, day, month, year.
"Research and innovation priorities for more sustainable food systems in Europe and globally"
Joint SCAR Workshop Report“Research needs and priorities for the transformation to sustainable food systems at European and global level”
Online Workshop - ARCH, FOOD SYSTEMS and BIOECONOMY | January 2024
Improving the Framework of Science to Policy Translations to Strengthen the Food Systems Transition
Aida Turrini, IT | February 2024
SCAR FS SWG Action 3 “Translating Science into Policy” - Survey Report
Aida Turrini, IT and Noeleen McDonald, IE | February 2024
SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS SWGActivity ReportSecond Mandate
(December 2019-December 2023)
FOOD SYSTEMS - R&I NEEDS AND GAPS REPORTSCAR FS SWG - Action 1Silvia Scaramuzzi, Francesca Gerini, Sara Gabellini, Leonardo Casini | January 2023
SCAR Food Systems SWG
FIT4FOOD2030 - JOINT WORKSHOPPrioritising future R&I breakthroughs for food systems via scenarios
Full Meeting Report - 28th and 29th of October 2020, Online
The added value of a Food Systems Approach in Research and Innovation
Policy Brief by Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) Strategic Working Group on Food Systems
Qualitative Mapping Questionnaire
(See the Questionnaires and Feedbacks by country available so far...)
Programming Research and Innovation for Improved Impact A joint activity by SWGs ARCH, AKIS & Food Systems Launch of Policy Brief