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Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda published

skia for bioeconomy

The Bioeconomy Strategic Working Group (BSW), together with the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), has prepared a Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (SKIA) for the bioeconomy. The document gives a view of the BSW where to put efforts in the EU research and innovation agenda, notably “Horizon Europe” and the revised European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan. In the SKIA, the vision approach has been chosen instead of the mission approach that has been recently promoted for the next Framework Programme. The central vision is “Achieving an inclusive and sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe”. This vision is broken down into three goals for the bioeconomy:

  1. an up to date monitoring, assessment, foresight on bioresources, impacts and resource flows;
  2. moving towards a demand driven sustainable bioeconomy; and 
  3. systemic solutions for a more bio-based circular economy and more circular bioeconomy.

The SKIA describes three corresponding and interconnected sets of research topics and actions, as well as tools and measures to support the growth of the bioeconomy and to achieve these goals: knowledge and information needed for the bioeconomy from a systemic change perspective; future development paths of the bioeconomy; and social and technical solutions the bioeconomy can offer now and in the future.