European Union
English English
  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight



MAIN CONCLUSIONS  (Brussels, 31 March 2017)

The Commission informed about the planned adoption on the same day of an opinion from the Committee of Regions related to “The local and regional dimension of the bioeconomy and the role of cities and regions”.
SCAR is invited to contribute to the consultation on the importance of R&I in the CAP.
The Commission informed about the latest developments of the International Bioeconomy Forum (IBF). The Plenary will take place before the end of the year. The Commission intends to keep the IBF informal, but wants to ensure a proper representation of the Member states.
Bulgaria gave an outline of the international Food 2030 event that will take place in June 2018 in Plovdiv in the context of the Bulgarian Presidency.
Italy and Germany launched a call in order to enlarge the Foresight group. Recommendations from 3rd and 4th Foresight will be analysed by experts to feed into the bioeconomy strategy revision. First ideas for a 5th Foresight were presented. Further ideas will be collected during the next meeting of the Steering group to provide a draft for the Plenary in December. SWGs and CWGs are invited to collect ideas in their respective groups.
A task force will be identified among SCAR delegates to prepare the positions of the SCAR Steering group in the CASA Advisory Board.
The Commission gave the green light to host the SCAR website under