European Union
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  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

SAP – Looking to the future of livestock production

SAP – Looking to the future of livestock productionThe SCAR Sustainable Animal Production Collaborative Working Group (SCAR SAP CWG) organised an expert workshop on the future of livestock production. Researchers from Wageningen University presented a comparative analysis of 20 national livestock strategies during the workshop. The workshop also included keynote speeches and breakout groups on Diversity, Consumption, Circularity, Resilience, Animal Health and Welfare, GHG emissions, Organic production, and Economy.

The workshop took place on 18 and 19 October where both physical and online participants able to provide their inputs. The meeting took place at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Bonn, Germany. Participants represented 21 countries.

The workshop will feed into a policy brief that the WG will prepare and present to the SCAR during the coming month. The policy brief will among others be used to seek new collaboration with other SCAR WGs and the Foresight Group.