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SCAR AE SWG - Strategic research and innovation agenda

- open consultation - 


AE SWGThe SCAR Strategic Working Group on Agroecology (SCAR-AE) is the entity responsible for the preparation of the candidate European partnership Accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures’ (AELLRI) and, in particular, for developing the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the candidate European partnership ’Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures’ (SRIA).

SCAR-AE prepared the first consolidated version of the SRIA between January and June 2022, taking into account inputs from the broader SCAR-AE group and from many relevant stakeholders.

The SRIA is now open for a wider consultation to collect feedback on its contents from a broad range of stakeholders of the field, and give the opportunity to contribute to proposed priorities, their relevance and expected impacts. The inputs received will go through a consolidation phase and a review by SCAR-AE. A final draft of the SRIA will be available by the end of 2022, before its formal adoption by a decision-making committee in the frame of the AELLRI partnership.