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Safe, nutritious and healthy food for all citizens

Safe, nutritious and healthy food for all citizens

The SCAR Food Systems SWG is guiding the preparation of the SRIA for the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Partnership. An interactive co-creation process will develop this document, involving the SCAR FS SWG members and external experts.

A first workshop took place in Brussels on 23 May. The taskforce leaders and additional experts discussed food system approaches with two goals in mind. Firstly, to unravel the complexity of food systems. Secondly, to strive for sustainable outcomes.

The next step is working on the four thematic areas and transversal activity, in order to ensure the coherence between them. A wider consultation will be carried out to collect feedback from the Member States and various stakeholders in the second half of the year. The involvement of a wide set of actors is vital for the success of the partnership to initiate sustainable system changes and secure the transition to sustainable food systems.  

The SRIA will define the impact pathway with relevant KPIs to accelerate the transition towards sustainable food systems. The goal is to provide and promote safe, nutritious and healthy food of low environmental impact for all citizens. During the SRIA preparation process SCAR FS SWG provide a framework for topics and joint activities that will serve as a basis for an annual work plan for the partnership.

The SRIA is expected to be finalised by the end of 2022.