European Union
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Joining forces against imported deforestation

Joining forces against imported deforestation

Earlier this year, SCAR ARCH SWG and SCAR FOREST SWG joined forces to identify research gaps and needs to better address deforestation and forest degradation. Both are triggered throughout the world by European imports of commodities (raw materials, food, timbers, etc.).

The Groups organised an expert dialogue on 2 and 3 February 2022 that gathered 36 internationally renowned experts and was attended by more than 50 participants. A keynote and three topic-related short presentations kicked off the meeting. During subgroups, the 36 experts discussed and identified the main knowledge and research gaps. This discussion will help in a second step to define, support, and implement appropriate measures to limit the European footprint on rainforests, in accordance with the new Green Deal policy of the European Union.

The outcome of this dialogue is the foundation from which SCAR ARCH SWG and SCAR FOREST SWG are currently building a policy brief, which is expected to be presented at the next SCAR Plenary Meeting in June 2022. The policy brief primarily targets R&I policymakers and funders in the European Commission and in national ministries. It also targets researchers and their institutions. The goal is to advise on existing knowledge gaps and how the gaps could be better addressed, while shaping research programmes to combat imported deforestation.