European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

SCAR conference 2022

“Humans in transitions: towards agroecological approaches and sustainable food systems”

logo SCAR and logo UE France 2022 The SCAR conference will be celebrated under the title “Humans in transitions: towards agroecological approaches and sustainable food systems”. The French EU Presidency hosts the conference on 14 June 2022 in Paris. The conference focusses on the importance of people in the agroecological and food systems transitions. SCAR plays an essential role in highlighting the emerging transitional research questions by advising the Member States, Associated Countries and European Commission. The main outcomes will be shared through the website.

The current EU policy context, the 5th SCAR Foresight report, its suggested paths of transition and any questions raised, will serve as a starting point to develop the themes of the interactive workshops that will structure the discussions along the following cross-cutting themes:

  • Digitalisation and use of technologies
  • Genetic resources and Agrobiodiversity
  • Stakeholders and networks
  • Skills and Education

More information here