European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

SCAR Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (SCAR FISH)

SCAR Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (SWGSCAR Fish)

Mission and aims




  • Ciaran Kelly


  • Carmen Losasso
  • Andrea Marsella


June 2026


19 countries + EC and key advisors

Fish SWG map

Overview members SCAR Fish – update March 2022


Terms of Reference (ToRs):

SCAR Fish ToRs Mandate
  • To forge a strong linkage between Member states Ministries in charge of Fisheries (including fresh water) and aquaculture and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation, DG MARE, DG Environment).
  • To further develop existing collaboration and initiate new collaborations between member states, on a long term basis, to achieve a cost effective system of research effort in the areas of fisheries and aquaculture that supports the Common Fisheries Policy.
  • To develop an agreed list of fisheries and aquaculture common research priorities that need to be addressed by SCAR Fish and that inform the commission and the Member states administrations.
  • To collate existing information and where necessary collect new information in the areas of foresight, common research agendas and mapping EU capacities to support a European research area for fisheries and aquaculture.


logo SCARFish colorObjectives:

  • To contribute to define EU research priorities within relevant initiatives: H2020 Work Programmes, Bioeconomy Strategy, Food & Nutrition security Strategy with inputs from SWG Food Systems, Agro-food and Forestry Strategy, Circular economy.
  • To collate and analyse existing and new information in the areas of:
    • Foresight
    • Common research agendas
    • Mapping EU capacities



  • Review current programmes on climate induced changes to fisheries, identifying potential gaps and most promising approaches to adaptive management of impacts on capture fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Work with EFARO on coordination of data collection to meet obligations under the Data Collection Framework and the marine Strategy Framework Directive.
  • Engage with Eurofleets 3 project to consider potential of greater coordination of fisheries research vessel activity.
  • Potentially work with marine COFUNDS to develop research programmes based on agreed research priorities, in particular the valorisation of unwanted catches and underutilised raw materials.
  • Bring forward proposal and develop SCAR Fish approach to land based aquaculture.
  • Discussions on longer term, cross cutting themes (innovation, governance).