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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

Events Calendar

EIP-AGRI seminar: Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas
From Wednesday 12 December 2018 -  9:00AM
To Thursday 13 December 2018 - 2:00PM

The EIP-AGRI seminar “Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas” will provide a platform for a stimulating debate on the importance of strategic planning to steer the digitisation of agriculture and rural areas, combining European, national, regional and local levels. The event will also be the opportunity to showcase the latest tools and inspiring examples for accompanying the digital transformation of farming and rural areas, which have been gathered by EU Rural Networks. 

The event is organised by the EIP-AGRI network with the contribution of the European Network for Rural Development and of the Broadband Competence Offices Network, and with the support of the Flemish Rural Network. The programme includes the participation of Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development.

More informatio:


Location Belgium - Antwerp