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Events Calendar

Workshop – "SCAR SWG on Food Systems"
From Wednesday 01 February 2017 -  2:00PM
To Thursday 02 February 2017 - 5:15PM

A workshop on food systems was organised on the 1st and 2nd of February 2017 by the chair of the SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS Strategic Working Group (SWG), DG RTD and DG JRC. This workshop was foreseen in the Terms of References (ToR) of the recently established SCAR Strategic Working Group.
The aim of the workshop was to identify the most impactful cross-cutting issues for food systems issues and to determine concrete follow-up activities whereby the SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS SWG proposes the best strategies to answer these issues depending on the national situations. These activities will be developed in synergy with the other SCAR SWGs. The workshop was the first occasion following the kick-off in Paris (April 2016), for all the SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS SWG members to meet, to establish a network and to start defining their action plan.

See the workshop newsletter 2017 and the agenda.


Location Brussels - Champ de Mars, rue du Champ de Mars 21, 1050 Brussels, Room SDRI and SDR2
01-02 February 2017,
Wednesday 01st February 2017, 14:00 – 17:30
Thursday 02nd February 2017, 09:30 – 17:15