European Union
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  • Foresight

European Agricultural Research towards greater impact on global CHallenges


Events Calendar

Friday 06 April 2018, 9:00AM - 1:00PM

The SCAR Strategic Working Groups ARCH, AKIS and Food Systems hereby invite you to participate in the Joint Workshop to be held in Rome, on Friday 6th April 2018 from 09:00 to 13:00. 

The workshop will consist of Key Note Speakers showing how to ex ante programme research and innovation for improved impact, at the international, national and regional scales. This will be followed by Panel Discussions with experts drawn from the EC, IFAD, FAO, OECD, CREA and open discussions with participants. 

The aim of the workshop is to provide, to funders and researchers, concrete recommendations on how to strengthen programming of research and innovation to reach tangible impacts.

Lessons learned during the workshop will be used as the basis of a Policy Brief with specific recommendations and guidelines on how to better programme research and innovation activities to achieve improved impact. 

Participants will especially be funders, policy makers and researchers from international organisations, European Commission Directorate Generals, SCAR Members, National R&I institutions and sub-national managing authorities.

See the Programme.

Location CREA, Via Po 14, Rome, Italy
Please register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to with your: Family Name, First Name, Male/Female, Nationality, Passport (or ID. Number), Validity of Passport/ID, Organisation, Telephone no., and e-mail address.