European Union
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  • SCAR
  • Strategic Working Groups (SWGs)
  • Collaborative Working Groups (CWGs)
  • Foresight

Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

From a joint European vision to joint action


The Green Deal has put Europe in a favourable position to be a ground breaker in the transition to sustainable agriculture, forestry, and food systems. European research and innovation (R&I) in these areas play a key role in accelerating the European Green Deal agenda.

  • SCAR advises the European Commission (EC), EU Member States and Associated Countries on R&I priorities to address Europe’s challenges in agriculture, fisheries, food systems, forestry, and the wider bioeconomy.
  • SCAR co-creates impactful R&I strategies, working closely with the European Commission.
  • SCAR inspires R&I through foresight studies and by providing recommendations.
  • SCAR strengthens the European Research Area. It is a key platform for co-creating five Horizon Europe Partnerships: ambitious instruments that align EU and national R&I agendas to achieve actionable results in key Green Deal priority areas.

The SCAR Working Groups form an inspiring network of motivated peers. They offer unique platforms to develop R&I agendas, co-construct European R&I partnerships, and exchange experiences and best practices. Moreover, being a member of the SCAR helps delegates and scientists implement national research priorities at the European level, and helps align national and European R&I agendas.


…already a member of the SCAR community, and interested in helping it grow? Take up an active role in the Working Groups or Plenary Meeting, motivate your research community to join the SCAR Working Groups, and disseminate the results in your country to increase the SCAR’s impact.

…a scientist, eager to meet peers to exchange knowledge and learn from them? Contact your country’s SCAR  delegate and request to join one of the Working Groups.


Become (more) active in the SCAR community!


The SCAR Working Groups form an inspiring network of motivated peers. They offer unique platforms to develop R&I agendas, co-construct European R&I partnerships, and exchange experiences and best practices. Moreover, being a member of the SCAR helps delegates and scientists implement national research priorities at the European level, and helps align national and European R&I agendas.


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onference “Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale”

Conference “Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale”

Join us for a three day impactful conference focusing in:

  1. sharing results and lessons on the contribution of R&I projects to agrifood systems transitions;
  2. identifying key enablers and hurdles to achieve impact at scale through innovation;
  3. exploring future contributions of R&I for agrifood systems transitions, innovation systems and innovation policies;
  4. informing policy and decision makers on supporting R&I at scale in partner countries. 
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Announcement of the 2nd Call under the SCAR-Engage Programme 14/11/2024

Animal Health and Welfare SCAR Collaborative working group plenary meeting

The SCAR Animal Health and Welfare CWG held its annual plenary meeting from 9-10th December 2024 in Rome, with the possibility of online participation for members unable to attend in person. The aim of the meeting was to consolidate the European network with authorities, funders, experts and private partners with a strong interest in animal health and animal welfare. The first day was dedicated to the meetings of the two subgroups of the CWG (Animal Welfare subgroup and Strategy & Foresight Unit), which ended with a joint sequence for the first time to optimise discussion within the CWG...

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REPORT Research on HPAI in ruminants Initiated following the epidemiological situation of cattle HPAI in the USA

Policy Brief by SCAR ARCH, Food Systems and Bioeconomy

A new policy brief has been produced by the SCAR ARCHFood Systems and Bioeconomyworking groups on ‘Research and innovation priorities for more sustainable food systems in Europe and globally’.

It highlights the key insights and recommendations from the virtual workshop “International Expert Consultation on Research Needs and Priorities for the Transformation to Sustainable Food Systems at European and Global Level”, held from 23-25th January 2024...

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European workshop of the SCAR CWG SAP on the future of livestock farming

SCAR Insights Series Webinar


The recording of the first SCAR Insights Series Webinar, under the title "SCAR Forest Coordinating Forest Innovation" is now available.

Please notice that this recording is presented in two parts.

Along with the recording you can also find the presentations from our three distinguished panellists.

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The webinar ‘Advancing Food Safety Management: Bridging Research, Innovative Technologies, and Regulations will take place Wednesday, 22nd of January 2025.

Events calendar

March 2025
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next events

31 Mar 2025
50th SCAR Fish meeting
22 May 2025
AKIS meeting
10 Jun 2025
SCAR Plenary Meeting
11 Jun 2025
Polish Presidency Conference

SCAR Newsletter

Newsletter December 2024
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