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Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR)

From a joint European vision to joint action


The Green Deal has put Europe in a favourable position to be a ground breaker in the transition to sustainable agriculture, forestry, and food systems. European research and innovation (R&I) in these areas play a key role in accelerating the European Green Deal agenda.

  • SCAR advises the European Commission (EC), EU Member States and Associated Countries on R&I priorities to address Europe’s challenges in agriculture, fisheries, food systems, forestry, and the wider bioeconomy.
  • SCAR co-creates impactful R&I strategies, working closely with the European Commission.
  • SCAR inspires R&I through foresight studies and by providing recommendations.
  • SCAR strengthens the European Research Area. It is a key platform for co-creating five Horizon Europe Partnerships: ambitious instruments that align EU and national R&I agendas to achieve actionable results in key Green Deal priority areas.

The SCAR Working Groups form an inspiring network of motivated peers. They offer unique platforms to develop R&I agendas, co-construct European R&I partnerships, and exchange experiences and best practices. Moreover, being a member of the SCAR helps delegates and scientists implement national research priorities at the European level, and helps align national and European R&I agendas.


…already a member of the SCAR community, and interested in helping it grow? Take up an active role in the Working Groups or Plenary Meeting, motivate your research community to join the SCAR Working Groups, and disseminate the results in your country to increase the SCAR’s impact.

…a scientist, eager to meet peers to exchange knowledge and learn from them? Contact your country’s SCAR  delegate and request to join one of the Working Groups.


Become (more) active in the SCAR community!


The SCAR Working Groups form an inspiring network of motivated peers. They offer unique platforms to develop R&I agendas, co-construct European R&I partnerships, and exchange experiences and best practices. Moreover, being a member of the SCAR helps delegates and scientists implement national research priorities at the European level, and helps align national and European R&I agendas.


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Agroforestry in Europe - RefreSCAR event

Agroforestry in Europe - RefreSCAR event

25th of September 2024 - Coruche, PORTUGAL

RefreSCAR and actors of the EU CAP Network (National Rural Network) organised their first joint event and got together at the Cork and Cork Oak Competence Center (Município Coruche) with policymakers, researchers, and farmers to discuss the opportunities and challenges of agroforestry in Europe.

Thanks to Euraf, we learned that our host country Portugal has the most surface of trees on agricultural land. Inspirational projects were presented by GEOSUBER, FOREST4EU Project and AF4EU. And the Agroforestry Netwerk Nederland ...

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RDI priorities to accelerate demand for biobased solutions in the EU

RDI priorities to accelerate demand for biobased solutions in the EU


The Bioeconomy is critical to material and energy stability in the EU. But how can we ensure the growth momentum of the demand for sustainable and bio-based products? And how can research, development and innovation (RDI) contribute?

Unveiling the demand side has been identified as one of the three focus areas of the 2023/24 mandate of the SCAR BSW.

In their latest Position Paper, they have identified three RDI goals to accelerate demand...

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First annual Training Webinar for new SCAR Group members

First annual Training Webinar for new SCAR Group members

The 1st annual Training webinar for new SCAR Working Group members has been held on 18 September 2024.

The webinar, organised back-to-back with the start of the SCAR-Engage programme organised the day before, was followed by more than 40 people, most of them “newcomers” to the SCAR world, from different countries and different SCAR groups.

The meeting offered insights into SCAR’s objectives and initiatives, including a presentation of the newly developed 'Induction Package, a user-friendly guide to familiarize with the SCAR environment ...

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SCAR-Engage Programme Launch Meeting

SCAR-Engage Programme Launch Meeting

On Tuesday, 17th September, the SCAR-Engage Programme celebrated a significant milestone with its first Launch Meeting, welcoming new SCAR Working Group members from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Iceland, and Poland.

The SCAR-Engage Programme, a RefreSCAR initiative, is designed to support and empower new SCAR WG members while increasing country-level visibility within SCAR. Aimed at enhancing inclusiveness, it focuses on providing knowledge, support, and connections, especially for members from underrepresented countries...

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You can watch the WEBINAR here:

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